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Android SDK版本管理

[英]android sdk version managing

I would like to know how android device handles sdk versions. 我想知道android设备如何处理sdk版本。 If you set min version and target version. 如果设置了最低版本和目标版本。 It does run on older then target and newer than min version, with compatibility mode? 它确实可以在兼容版本的旧版本,目标版本和最低版本上运行吗? Or how exactly does this work. 或者这到底是如何工作的。

If you set a minimum SDK version than you cannot install the app on devices with a lower API version. 如果您设置了最低SDK版本,则无法在API版本较低的设备上安装该应用。 If you use a higher target SDK version than the device's API version that it will run except you execute code which requires a newer Android version. 如果您使用的目标SDK版本高于设备将运行的API版本,则执行的代码需要更新的Android版本。 That would result a crash on the device since you would try to execute non existing code. 这将导致设备崩溃,因为您将尝试执行不存在的代码。

For some features there are backports which you can use. 对于某些功能,您可以使用反向端口。 For other things you need to drop that features and check by code if the code can been executed or not. 对于其他事情,您需要删除该功能并通过代码检查代码是否可以执行。

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