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Android SDK错误:版本

[英]Android SDK Error: Version

I have worked today on a project, which had no errors, and after a sort break, when I re-opened eclipse, I got the following error: 我今天在一个没有错误的项目上工作,经过排序中断后,当我重新打开eclipse时,出现以下错误:

Android SDK版本错误

I have tried searching for a solution, but the error is to long in length to find any results. 我曾尝试寻找解决方案,但错误是冗长的查找任何结果。 I even downloaded the new 17 revision, but it didn't help. 我什至下载了新的17版本,但没有帮助。

So lets start by verifying the current version of ADT installed. 因此,让我们首先验证安装的ADT的当前版本。 Just in case: 以防万一:

  1. Start Eclipse 启动Eclipse
  2. Click Help 点击帮助
  3. Click "About Eclipse" 点击“关于Eclipse”
  4. Then choose the icon that has the android robot 然后选择具有android机器人的图标


In the new dialog you will see the ADT version. 在新对话框中,您将看到ADT版本。 If this is NOT 17 then the error message does not lie and even though you may have tried to upgrade to version 17 it clearly has not. 如果不是 17,则不会显示错误消息,即使您可能已尝试升级到版本17,也显然没有。 If it has then I would suggest a complete re-install of ADT and the SDK. 如果可以的话,我建议您完全重新安装ADT和SDK。 You can follow the docs here http://developer.android.com/sdk/eclipse-adt.html#installing 您可以在此处关注文档, 网址为http://developer.android.com/sdk/eclipse-adt.html#installing

One reason the update may have failed before you start pulling it all apart is that you may need to run eclipse as an administrator. 开始将其全部拉开之前,更新可能失败的原因之一是,您可能需要以管理员身份运行eclipse。 I also find that SDK updates via the SDK manager have to be done as an administrator too. 我还发现,也必须以管理员身份通过SDK管理器进行SDK更新。

When going from Eclipse to the SDK Manager I sometimes find that Eclipse has not started it with admin rights even though Eclipse has them. 从Eclipse转到SDK Manager时,有时我会发现Eclipse并未以管理员权限启动它,即使Eclipse拥有管理员权限。 Therefore the update process then fails. 因此,更新过程将失败。 I find it best to start the SDK manager with admin rights yourself, and then update the SDK manually and check the error log for any issues (normally the download works but then fails to copy the files for me if I am not in administrator mode). 我发现最好自己以管理员权限启动SDK管理器,然后手动更新SDK并检查错误日志中是否存在任何问题(通常下载工作正常,但是如果我不在管理员模式下,则无法为我复制文件) 。


Have you checked the ADT settings in Eclipse, especially the setting for SDK Location ? 您是否检查了Eclipse中的ADT设置,尤其是SDK Location的设置? Does it point to your up to date copy of the SDK? 它是否指向您最新的SDK副本? If it is having trouble opening the SDK manager then it could be the SDK is broken after attempting an update. 如果在打开SDK管理器时遇到问题,则可能是在尝试更新后SDK已损坏。 I would uninstall it completely then download a fresh copy. 我会完全卸载它,然后下载一个新副本。

Restart eclipse after the download. 下载后重新启动Eclipse。 It shouldn't give you an error 它不应该给你一个错误

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