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[英]Transparent Background in QWebEnginePage

We are trying to port some application from Qt 4 to Qt 5.4. 我们正在尝试将一些应用程序从Qt 4移植到Qt 5.4。 The Qt 5.4 has a new web engine. Qt 5.4有一个新的Web引擎。 We used to make the background of QWebView and QWebPage to be transparent: 我们曾经使QWebViewQWebPage的背景透明:

view = new QWebView(this);
QPalette palette = view->palette();
palette.setBrush(QPalette::Base, Qt::transparent);
view->setAttribute(Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent, false);

But this code doesn't work for QWebEngineView and QWebEnginePage . 但是这段代码不适用于QWebEngineViewQWebEnginePage The point is that QWebEnginePage doesn't have such an API like setPalette . 关键是QWebEnginePage没有像setPalette这样的API。

Can anyone find a way to solve this? 谁能找到解决这个问题的方法?

As mentioned in https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-41960 , this is now working by simply using this line: https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-41960中所述 ,现在只需使用以下行即可:


I've tried it in Qt 5.6 and it works well. 我在Qt 5.6中尝试过,它运行良好。

Update : In order to make this answer more helpful, let me show all relevant code. 更新 :为了使这个答案更有帮助,让我展示所有相关的代码。

In MainWindow, I have set this: 在MainWindow中,我设置了这个:


For the webEngineView object, I have set these attributes: 对于webEngineView对象,我设置了以下属性:

webEnginePage = webEngineView->page();
// https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-41960

I hope it helps. 我希望它有所帮助。

No. A partial solution has been committed to upstream, but it covers only QtQuick and you can't have any elements on top: 没有。部分解决方案已经提交到上游,但它只涵盖了QtQuick,你不能拥有任何元素:

https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-41960 https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-41960

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