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[英]in cakephp how to create another file like core.php file and call global variable in js file

I have created a file inside config folder similar like config.php. 我已经在config文件夹中创建了类似config.php的文件。 how can I call the global variables mentioned in my newconfigfile.php in my js file. 如何在js文件中调用newconfigfile.php中提到的全局变量。 for example define("DATETIME_FORMAT", "MM/dd/yy HH:mm"); 例如define(“ DATETIME_FORMAT”,“ MM / dd / yy HH:mm”);

Create a fie in your app/Vendor/newconfigfile.php then paste this line 在您的app / Vendor / newconfigfile.php中创建一个国际剑联,然后粘贴此行

define("DATETIME_FORMAT", "MM/dd/yy HH:mm");    

Now go to in your app/Config/bootstrap.php 现在转到您的app / Config / bootstrap.php

Add the following line 添加以下行

App::import('Vendor', 'newconfigfile');

Now you can call DATETIME_FORMAT as a global variable. 现在,您可以将DATETIME_FORMAT称为全局变量。

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