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[英]Latex in Chaco text?

Is it possible to create a chaco plot with latex text? 是否可以用乳胶文字创建查科图? For example, if we wanted latex symbols in the title of this exampe : 例如,如果我们要在此样本的标题中使用乳胶符号:

from traits.api import HasTraits, Instance
from traitsui.api import View, Item
from chaco.api import Plot, ArrayPlotData
from enable.component_editor import ComponentEditor
from numpy import linspace, sin

class LinePlot(HasTraits):
    plot = Instance(Plot)
    traits_view = View(
        Item('plot',editor=ComponentEditor(), show_label=False),
        width=500, height=500, resizable=True, title="Chaco Plot")

    def __init__(self):
        super(LinePlot, self).__init__()
        x = linspace(-14, 14, 100)
        y = sin(x) * x**3
        plotdata = ArrayPlotData(x=x, y=y)
        plot = Plot(plotdata)
        plot.plot(("x", "y"), type="line", color="blue")
        plot.title = "sin(x) * x^3"
        self.plot = plot

if __name__ == "__main__":

I tried replacing title with $sin(x)^3$ to no avail, and wondered if this was possible? 我试图用$sin(x)^3$替换title,但无济于事,想知道这是否可能? Screenshot below: 屏幕截图如下:


No, it is not (it is a matplotlib feature). 不,不是(这是matplotlib功能)。 But you could try to use unicode symbols for easy cases. 但是您可以尝试在简单情况下使用unicode符号。

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