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[英]Gulp: Error Messages and Notifications with Plumber

In this example , it states you can use Gulp-Plumber and Gulp-Notify to display a message and sound each time there is an error. 在此示例中 ,它指出您可以每次出现错误时使用Gulp-Plumber和Gulp-Notify来显示消息和声音。 Gulp-Plumber will ensure that Gulp watch will continue to run. Gulp-Plumber将确保Gulp手表将继续运行。

However, when I try it, I keep on getting this error message, which causes Gulp to stop: 但是,当我尝试它时,我不断收到此错误消息,这导致Gulp停止:

        throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event

Here is my code: 这是我的代码:

var gulp            = require('gulp'),
    sass            = require('gulp-ruby-sass'),
    jshint          = require('gulp-jshint'),
    uglify          = require('gulp-uglify'),
    rename          = require('gulp-rename'),
    concat          = require('gulp-concat'),
    notify          = require('gulp-notify'),
    plumber         = require('gulp-plumber'),

  var onError = function(err) {
                    title:    "Gulp",
                    subtitle: "Failure!",
                    message:  "Error: <%= error.message %>",
                    sound:    "Beep"


//Scripts Task
gulp.task('scripts', function() {
    .pipe(rename({suffix: '.min'}))
           sound: "Frog"

//Styles Task
gulp.task('styles', function() { 
    return sass('frontend/build/scss/', {style: 'expanded'})
    .pipe(plumber({errorHandler: onError}))
    .pipe(rename({suffix: '.min'}))
    .pipe(notify({ // Add gulpif here
           sound: "Pop"


The only difference between my code and the example is that I have moved onError as a global function so it can be used in both the scripts and styles task. 我的代码和示例之间的唯一区别是,我已将onError作为全局函数移动,因此可以在脚本和样式任务中使用它。 However, even if I move it back inside the styles function, the same error message occurs. 但是,即使我将其移回样式函数内部,也会出现相同的错误消息。

(the code I have posted is abbreviated, the full code can be found here ) (我发布的代码是缩写,完整的代码可以在这里找到)

Also, is there a way to hide the notification message on success so I just get the sound? 另外,有没有一种方法可以在成功时隐藏通知消息,这样我就可以听到声音了? Thanks! 谢谢!


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