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[英]Passing Array to A Pre-Defined Javascript Function

Pre-Defined Function: 预定义功能:

Hopsys.prototype.multiple_new_lookups = function(symbol, units, hops, bounces, side, type, cb) {
  var params;
  params = {
    symbol: symbol,
    units: units,
    hops: hops,
    bounces: bounces,
    side: side,
    type: type
  return this.make_request('hopsys/new/multi', params, cb);

This is the usage example the instructions give me: 这是说明给我的用法示例:

Hopsys.multiple_new_lookups(symbol, units, hops, bounces, side, type, cb);

They also give an example cb function: 他们还给出了一个示例cb函数:

function(err, res, hop_id){

so at least I know how to do the cb. 所以至少我知道怎么做cb。

But I can't figure out how to create and send the array exactly as they want me to. 但是我无法弄清楚如何完全按照他们的要求创建和发送数组。 I say array because how else can I pass multiple 'symbol' 'units' 'hops' 'bounces' 'side' and 'type'? 我之所以说数组,是因为我还能如何传递多个“符号”,“单位”,“跳跃”,“反弹”,“侧面”和“类型”? The logic is that it can only give me multiple lookup results if I make multiple lookup requests. 逻辑是,如果我发出多个查询请求,它只能给我多个查询结果。 Can anyone help me? 谁能帮我?

Thanks in advance for your time helping me out :) 在此先感谢您抽出宝贵的时间来帮助我:)

Most likely you can pass arrays as 'units', 'bounces' and 'hops' parameters. 您很可能可以将数组作为“单位”,“反弹”和“跳跃”参数进行传递。 Maybe only 'units'. 也许只有“单位”。 Each parameter is a different variable, so you can not pass it an array of objects. 每个参数都是一个不同的变量,因此您不能将其传递给对象数组。

An example of how to pass arrays: 如何传递数组的示例:

var symbols = ['some','acceptable','symbols'],
    units   = ['some','acceptable','units'],
    hops    = ['some','acceptable','hops'],
    bounces = ['some','acceptable','bounces'],
    sides   = ['some','acceptable','sides'],
    types   = ['some','acceptable','types'],
    cb      = function(){};

Hopsys.multiple_new_lookups(symbols, units, hops, bounces, sides, types, cb);

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