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[英]Adding functionality to a pre-defined event in JavaScript

Is there a way in JavaScript that I can override an event, but still call the original event's code? JavaScript中是否有一种方法可以覆盖事件,但仍可以调用原始事件的代码? I basically want to add a single line of code to the end. 我基本上想在最后添加一行代码。 So for example: 因此,例如:

Original function 原始功能

function DropDownList_OnFocus(a, b) {
    // Original Code

What I'd need 我需要什么

function DropDownList_OnFocus(a, b) {
    // Original Code
    // New Code        

Event handlers always execute sequentially in the order they were bound. 事件处理程序始终按绑定的顺序顺序执行。

So You can simply add another event handler for the same event on the same element and put more/remaining code in the second event handler. 因此,您可以简单地在同一元素上为同一事件添加另一个事件处理程序,然后将更多/剩余的代码放入第二个事件处理程序中。

I've managed to get it working using the following: 我设法使用以下方法使其工作:

var base = DropDownList.OnFocus;
var DropDownOnFocusOverride = (function () {
    return function () {
        // Additional Code

DropDownList.OnFocus = DropDownOnFocusOverride();

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