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[英]How to correctly inherit class from another file

I have 2 files. 我有2个档案。 driver.py and stack.py . driver.pystack.py I would like to inherit the base class stack.py 's 2 functions into driver.py , but I am having issues with actually creating the class (encounter attribute errors while running). 我想将基类stack.py的2个函数继承到driver.py中 ,但实际上在创建类时遇到了问题(运行时遇到属性错误)。 The code is supposed to ask for user input until 'end' is received and the program should output all the input. 该代码应要求用户输入,直到收到“ end”为止,并且程序应输出所有输入。

Please disregard the ill-formatting, I had issues including the 'import' lines in the snippets. 请不要理会格式错误,我在代码片段中遇到了包括“导入”行的问题。

  • stack.py stack.py

 class Stack: def __init__(self): '''A new empty stack''' self.items = [] def push(self, o): '''Make o the new top item in this Stack.''' self.items.append(o) def pop(self): '''Remove and return the top item.''' return self.items.pop() def peek(self): '''Return the top item.''' return self.items[-1] def isEmpty(self): '''Return whether this stack is empty.''' return self.items == [] def size(self): '''Return the number of items in this stack.''' return len(self.items) class UpStack: def __init__(self): '''A new empty stack''' self.stack = [] def push(self, o): '''Make o the new top item in this Stack.''' self.stack.insert(0, o) def pop(self): '''Remove and return the top item.''' return self.stack.pop(0) def peek(self): '''Return the top item.''' return self.stack[0] def isEmpty(self): '''Return whether this stack is empty.''' return self.stack == [] def size(self): '''Return the number of items in this stack.''' return len(self.stack) 

  • driver.py driver.py

 from stack import * if __name__ == '__main__': #-----------------------------------Stack Code----------------------------------- s = Stack() s.push('Hello') print(s.pop()) data = "" while data.lower() != 'end': data = input("Enter Command: ") if data.lower() != 'end': s.push(data) while not s.isEmpty(): print(s.pop()) #-----------------------------------UpStack Code----------------------------------- u = UpStack() u.push('Hello') print(u.pop()) data = "" while data.lower() != 'end': data = input("Enter Command: ") if data.lower() != 'end': u.push(data) while not u.isEmpty(): print(u.pop()) 

  • driver.py attempted class version driver.py尝试的类版本

 from stack import * class Test: #-----------------------------------Stack Code----------------------------------- def stacker(self): s = Stack() s.push('Hello') print(s.pop()) data = "" while data.lower() != 'end' data = input("Enter Command: ") if data.lower() != 'end': s.push(data) while not s.is_empty(): print(s.pop()) #-----------------------------------UpStack Code----------------------------------- def upstacker(self): u = UpStack() u.push('Hello') print(u.pop()) data = "" while data.lower() != 'end': data = input("Enter Command: ") if data.lower() != 'end': u.push(data) while not u.is_empty(): print(u.pop()) 

Since I don't see anything when I actually run the code, I make an instance of it and this is what I get. 由于我在实际运行代码时什么都看不到,因此我为其创建了一个实例,这就是我所得到的。

    >>> s = Stack()
    >>> s
    <stack.Stack object at 0x103bb3a58>
    >>> s.push(2)
    >>> s.stacker()
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<pyshell#11>", line 1, in <module>
    AttributeError: 'Stack' object has no attribute 'stacker'

That is because Stack() instance does not have stacker() method. 这是因为Stack()实例没有stacker()方法。

stacker method belongs to your Test class. stacker方法属于您的Test类。

instead of typing 而不是打字

>>> s = Stack()
>>> s.stacker()

you should use 你应该使用

>>> t = Test()
>>> t.stacker()

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