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[英]How to correctly inherit class from another file

我有2个档案。 driver.pystack.py 我想将基类stack.py的2个函数继承到driver.py中 ,但实际上在创建类时遇到了问题(运行时遇到属性错误)。 该代码应要求用户输入,直到收到“ end”为止,并且程序应输出所有输入。


  • stack.py

 class Stack: def __init__(self): '''A new empty stack''' self.items = [] def push(self, o): '''Make o the new top item in this Stack.''' self.items.append(o) def pop(self): '''Remove and return the top item.''' return self.items.pop() def peek(self): '''Return the top item.''' return self.items[-1] def isEmpty(self): '''Return whether this stack is empty.''' return self.items == [] def size(self): '''Return the number of items in this stack.''' return len(self.items) class UpStack: def __init__(self): '''A new empty stack''' self.stack = [] def push(self, o): '''Make o the new top item in this Stack.''' self.stack.insert(0, o) def pop(self): '''Remove and return the top item.''' return self.stack.pop(0) def peek(self): '''Return the top item.''' return self.stack[0] def isEmpty(self): '''Return whether this stack is empty.''' return self.stack == [] def size(self): '''Return the number of items in this stack.''' return len(self.stack) 

  • driver.py

 from stack import * if __name__ == '__main__': #-----------------------------------Stack Code----------------------------------- s = Stack() s.push('Hello') print(s.pop()) data = "" while data.lower() != 'end': data = input("Enter Command: ") if data.lower() != 'end': s.push(data) while not s.isEmpty(): print(s.pop()) #-----------------------------------UpStack Code----------------------------------- u = UpStack() u.push('Hello') print(u.pop()) data = "" while data.lower() != 'end': data = input("Enter Command: ") if data.lower() != 'end': u.push(data) while not u.isEmpty(): print(u.pop()) 

  • driver.py尝试的类版本

 from stack import * class Test: #-----------------------------------Stack Code----------------------------------- def stacker(self): s = Stack() s.push('Hello') print(s.pop()) data = "" while data.lower() != 'end' data = input("Enter Command: ") if data.lower() != 'end': s.push(data) while not s.is_empty(): print(s.pop()) #-----------------------------------UpStack Code----------------------------------- def upstacker(self): u = UpStack() u.push('Hello') print(u.pop()) data = "" while data.lower() != 'end': data = input("Enter Command: ") if data.lower() != 'end': u.push(data) while not u.is_empty(): print(u.pop()) 


    >>> s = Stack()
    >>> s
    <stack.Stack object at 0x103bb3a58>
    >>> s.push(2)
    >>> s.stacker()
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<pyshell#11>", line 1, in <module>
    AttributeError: 'Stack' object has no attribute 'stacker'




>>> s = Stack()
>>> s.stacker()


>>> t = Test()
>>> t.stacker()


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