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[英]PHP How to insert NULL in Database?

I have a normal HTML-File that give a string via. 我有一个普通的HTML文件,可以通过它提供字符串。 POST to my PHP-file wich will put this to a MySQL-database. POST至我的PHP文件,将其放入MySQL数据库。

How do I achieve that I can write a "real" NULL in the database and not " " (a empty string) or something like that? 如何实现可以在数据库中写入“真实” NULL而不是“”(空字符串)之类的东西?

The MySQL column is nullable. MySQL栏可为空。

My form: 我的表格:

<form method="post" action="putInDatabase.php">

    <textarea name="text" ></textarea>

    <label>Picture URL (optional)</label>
    <input name="image" />

    <input id="submit" name="submit" type="submit" value="submit">


My PHP-File: 我的PHP文件:


  $text = "";
  $image = null;

  if (isset($_POST["submit"]))
    $text = $_POST["text"];

    $image = $_POST["image"];

  $text = strtr ($text, array ('"' => '\"'));

  $con = mysql_connect("censored :)");

  if (!$con)
    die('ERROR' . mysql_error());
  mysql_select_db("_DATABASE_HERE_", $con);

  $insertSQL = "INSERT INTO `_DATABASE_HERE_`.`_NAME_HERE_` (`Text`, `PictureURL`) VALUES ('$text', '$image ');";  

  $res = mysql_query($insertSQL); 
  $res = mysql_query($sql);


  echo "Success!";


You'd need to pre-process your text. 您需要预处理文本。 And since you're vulnerable to sql injection attacks this should be considered MANDATORY: 并且由于您很容易受到sql注入攻击,因此应将其视为强制性的:

if (isset($_POST['text']) && !empty($_POST['text'])) {
   $safetext = "'" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['text']) . "'";
} else {
   $safetext = 'null';

$sql = "INSERT ... VALUES ($safetext, ...)";

Note how the quotes are added inside the if() . 注意如何在if()内添加引号。 If there's some text to be done, the sql-escaped text is surrounded by quotes. 如果要完成一些文本,则用sql转义的文本会用引号引起来。 if there's no text at all, then the string null is added in. This boils down to the difference between null and 'null' . 如果根本没有文本,则添加字符串null 。这归结为null'null'之间的区别。

null is an sql null, "unknown value". null是sql null,即“未知值”。 'null' is a string with the literal characters n , u , l , and l in it. 'null'是一个字符串,其中包含文字字符null In SQL terms, they're two completely different things. 用SQL术语来说,它们是完全不同的两件事。

The above code would produce 上面的代码会产生

INSERT ... VALUES (null, ...)
INSERT ... VALUES ('Miles O\'Brien', ...)

Try this: 尝试这个:

$variable_name = "NULL";

Now, while inserting into the database, use $variable_name. 现在,在插入数据库时​​,使用$ variable_name。

That should do it. 那应该做。

EDIT: You need to either use prepare statements, if you are gonna switch to PDOs in future or escape the user input. 编辑:如果将来要切换到PDO,则需要使用prepare语句,或者转义用户输入。

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