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[英]How to insert php codes into database?

I'm testing my mysql codes vulnerability. 我正在测试mysql代码漏洞。
This is the php injection: 这是php注入:

$myvar = "varname";
$x = $_GET['arg'];
eval("\$myvar = \$x;");

Or any other php code, like blow: 或任何其他php代码,例如打击:

<?php mysqli_close($conn); ?>

My purpose is to insert them into DB but don't execute them. 我的目的是将它们插入数据库,但不执行它们。
Actualy these codes are gonna inserted into DB from an html input form by a user and I wan to display them for the user.(sth like messaging) 实际上,这些代码将由用户从html输入表单插入DB中,我希望为用户显示它们。(例如消息传递)
Problem : 问题
The problem is that when I try to insert them into DB it fails, my insert query is this: 问题是,当我尝试将它们插入数据库失败时,我的插入查询是这样的:

mysqli_query($conn,"INSERT INTO table (usr,id,message,date) VALUES ($usr,'$id','$message','$date')");

The codes are in $message . 代码在$message
I also should add this validation function: 我还应该添加此验证功能:

function validate($data)

Before inserting $message into DB I have validated it by this function validate($message) but even this can't fix the problem. 在将$message插入数据库之前,我已经通过此函数validate($message)对其进行了validate($message)但是即使这样也无法解决问题。

I have searched but there's no results for this question in google! 我已经搜索过,但在Google中没有针对该问题的结果!
Any one knows how to insert codes into mysql database? 有谁知道如何在mysql数据库中插入代码?

Escape your input data with a real_escape_string function: http://php.net/manual/en/mysqli.real-escape-string.php 使用real_escape_string函数转义您的输入数据: http : real_escape_string

Now you can safely create a legal SQL string that you can use in an SQL statement. 现在,您可以安全地创建可在SQL语句中使用的合法SQL字符串。

To insert code php in database, following this options : 1. To insert data, use htmlspecialchars. 要在数据库中插入代码php,请遵循以下选项:1.要插入数据,请使用htmlspecialchars。 example : 例如:

$string = '<?php echo "Hello world"; ?>';
  1. Before read/get data, use htmlspecialchars_decode. 在读取/获取数据之前,请使用htmlspecialchars_decode。 Example : htmlspecialchars_decode($string); 范例: htmlspecialchars_decode($string);

    Hope this maybe can help you :-) 希望这可以对您有所帮助:-)

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