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python sqlalchemy可以使用变量构造插入语句吗(对于mysql数据库)

[英]Can python sqlalchemy use a variable to construct an insert statement (for mysql database)

Thanks in advance for advice on this problem...在此先感谢您提供有关此问题的建议...

I am trying to create a python script to import a set of CSVs into a mysql database.我正在尝试创建一个 python 脚本来将一组 CSV 导入到 mysql 数据库中。

Each CSV filename matches the destination table.每个 CSV 文件名都与目标表相匹配。 The first row of each CSV matches the fields of the table.每个 CSV 的第一行与表的字段匹配。 Each CSV / table has a different number of fields, field names, etc.每个 CSV / 表都有不同数量的字段、字段名称等。

The problem I am having is with this line (full code below)我遇到的问题是这一行(完整代码如下)

ins = table_name.insert().values(temp_variable_name)

where I want to dynamically update the destination table (table_name) and the insert command (temp_variable_name).我想动态更新目标表 (table_name) 和插入命令 (temp_variable_name)。

So when reading the labels.csv file, this should produce因此,在读取 labels.csv 文件时,这应该会产生

ins = labels.insert().values(id_label=d[0], label_name=d[1])

and when reading the company.csv file, this should produce在读取 company.csv 文件时,这应该会产生

ins = company.insert().values(id_company=d[0], company_name=d[1], ticker=d[2])

The problem is if I generate a string,问题是如果我生成一个字符串,

temp_variable_name = 'id_company=d[0], company_name=d[1], ticker=d[2]'

I end up getting a 'str' object has no attribute 'items' error.我最终得到一个“str”对象没有属性“items”错误。

Is there any way to dynamically generate an insert command for an SQL statement?有没有办法动态生成SQL语句的插入命令?

Portion of the script below:下面的脚本部分:

# files list contains a list of all of the files in the directory
# we read in CSVs, isolate the first row to determine table field names
# the rest of the data should then be imported into the table with the corresponding name as the CSV

for f in files:
    if '.csv' in f :

        # read in each CSV file

        # these are a Class / Function I've set up to read files
        x = Read_Files()  
        data = x.read_file_lines_strip(path, f)

        temp = data[0].replace('"','') # get rid of quotation marks from the data

        table_header_list = temp.split('|') # get the first row, which is the table field names

        variable_name ='' # this is used to construct the insert into table string

        for x in xrange (0, len(table_header_list)) :
            if x == 0 :
                variable_name = variable_name + table_header_list[0] + '=d[0]'
            elif x == len(table_header_list) :
                variable_name = variable_name + table_header_list[x] + '=d[' + str(x) + ']'
            else :
                variable_name = variable_name + ', ' + table_header_list[x] + '=d[' + str(x) + ']'

        table_name = f.replace('.csv','') # remove the .csv from filename to isolate the file name, which is the same as table name

        # data from file

        for data_line in data[1:] :
            data_line = data_line.replace('"', '') # remove quotation marks
            d = data_line.split('|') # split the line which is delimited by a |

            # used to construct the final insert string
            for x in xrange(0, len(table_header_list)) :
                if x == 0 :
                    temp_variable_name = variable_name.replace('d[0]', d[0])
                else :
                    temp_variable_name = temp_variable_name.replace('d[' + str(x) + ']', d[x])

                # table name is the table to insert into, via the CSV filename
                # temp_variable_name is the insert string, such as 'id_company=d[0], company_name=d[1], ticker=d[2]'
                ins = table_name.insert().values(temp_variable_name)
                result = conn.execute(ins)
            except Exception, e :
                print 'error : ' + str(e)

You can do this with Insert objects and the csv module which makes it easy with theDictReader class.您可以使用Insert对象和csv模块执行此操作,这使得使用DictReader类变得容易。 Here's an example for the company table:以下是 company 表的示例:

import csv
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.sql import table, column

DB_CONNECT = 'sqlite:///company.db'
engine = create_engine(DB_CONNECT, echo=True)
conn = engine.connect()

with open('company.csv') as csvfile:
    reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile, delimiter='|')
    insert_table = table('company',
                         *[column(field) for field in reader.fieldnames])
    insert_dict = [{k: None if v == NULL_FIELD_VALUE else v
                        for k,v in row.items()}
                            for row in reader]
    conn.execute(insert_table.insert(), insert_dict)

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