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[英]Replace regex occurrences

I have an input string: 我有一个输入字符串:

"hello [you], this is [me]"

I have a function which maps a string to a string (hardcoded for the sake of simplicity): 我有一个将字符串映射到字符串的函数(为简单起见,采用硬编码):

public String map(final String input) {
    if ("you".equals(input)) {
        return "SO";
    } else if ("me".equals(input)) {
        return "Kate";

What is the most convenient way to replace each [(.*)?] occurrence by its respective mapping (given by calling the map function)? 用各自的映射(通过调用map函数给定[(.*)?]替换每个[(.*)?]出现的最方便的方法是什么?

If I am correct, you cannot use String.replaceAll() here, since we don't know the replacement in advance. 如果我是正确的,您不能在这里使用String.replaceAll() ,因为我们事先不知道替换方法。

First, the expression that you have is greedy. 首先,您拥有的表情是贪婪的。 A proper expression to match a token in square brackets is \\[([^\\]]*)\\] (backslashes need to be doubled for Java), because it avoids going past the closing square bracket * . \\[([^\\]]*)\\]是与括号中的标记匹配的合适表达式(对于Java,反斜杠需要加倍),因为它可以避免使用右方括号* I added a capturing group to access the content inside square brackets as group(1) . 我添加了一个捕获组以将方括号内的内容作为group(1)

Here is a way to do what you need: 这是一种满足您需求的方法:

Pattern p = Pattern.compile("\\[([^\\]]*)\\]");
Matcher m = p.matcher(input);
StringBuffer bufStr = new StringBuffer();
boolean flag = false;
while ((flag = m.find())) {
    String toReplace = m.group(1);
    m.appendReplacement(bufStr, map(toReplace));
String result = bufStr.toString();

Demo. 演示。

* You can use [.*?] , too, but this reluctant expression may cause backtracking. *您也可以使用[.*?] ,但是这种勉强的表达可能会导致回溯。

You can do something like: 您可以执行以下操作:

String line = "hello [you], this is [me]";

Pattern p = Pattern.compile("\\[(.*?)\\]");
Matcher m = p.matcher(line);

while (m.find()) {
    // m.group(1) contains the text inside [] 
    // line.replace(m.group(1), yourMap.get(m.group(1)));
    // use StringBuilder to build the new string

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