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在python中删除\\ r \\ n

[英]Removing \r\n in python

I need to remove \\r\\n on mylist. 我需要从我的列表中删除\\ r \\ n。

print mylist
>>> [1, '\r\nabc   Fa              153             M   Wa 3\r\n']

I did 我做了

lst = [txt.replace("\r\n", "") for txt in mylist]

but I get below error 但我得到以下错误

AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'replace'


lst = [txt.replace("\r\n", "") if isinstance(txt, str) else txt for txt in mylist]

You can just strip the data from the start and end: 您可以仅从头到尾剥离数据:

l = [1, '\r\nabc   Fa              153             M   Wa 3\r\n']

print([x.strip() if isinstance(x, basestring ) else x for x in l ]) 
[1, 'abc   Fa              153             M   Wa 3']

A better solution would be to strip before you add the lines to the list if possible. 更好的解决方案是在可能的情况下在将行添加到列表之前先进行剥离。

Your first item is an int and the second is a str . 您的第一项是int ,第二项是str If you are going to have a mix of types, you could use str.strip() in a list comprehension to handle stripping the strings. 如果要混合使用类型,则可以在列表str.strip()使用str.strip()处理字符串剥离。

>>> mylist = [1, '\r\nabc   Fa              153             M   Wa 3\r\n']
>>> mylist = [i.strip() if isinstance(i, basestring) else i for i in mylist]
>>> mylist
[1, 'abc   Fa              153             M   Wa 3']

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