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带有多索引数据框的 Pandas eval

[英]Pandas eval with multi-index dataframes

Consider a multi-index dataframe df :考虑一个多索引数据帧df

A       bar                flux          
B       one     three       six     three
x  0.627915  0.507184  0.690787  1.166318
y  0.927342  0.788232  1.776677 -0.512259
z  1.000000  1.000000  1.000000  0.000000

I would like to use eval to substract ('bar', 'one') from ('flux', six') .我想用eval('flux', six')减去('bar', 'one') ('flux', six') Does the eval syntax support this type of index? eval 语法是否支持这种类型的索引?

You can do this without using eval by using the equivalent standard Python notation: 您可以使用等效的标准Python表示法而不使用eval来执行此操作:

df['bar']['one'] - df['flux']['six']`

Take a look at this reference. 看看这个参考。 Below is an example for you, based off the object in your question: 以下是您的示例,基于您问题中的对象:

from pandas import DataFrame, MultiIndex

# Create the object
columns = [
    ('bar', 'one'),
    ('bar', 'three'),
    ('flux', 'six'),
    ('flux', 'three')
data    = [
    [0.627915, 0.507184, 0.690787, 1.166318],
    [0.927342, 0.788232, 1.776677, -0.512259],
    [1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000]
index   = MultiIndex.from_tuples(columns, names=['A', 'B'])
df      = DataFrame(data, index=['x', 'y', 'z'], columns=index)

# Calculate the difference
sub = df['bar']['one'] - df['flux']['six']
print sub

# Assign that difference to a new column in the object
df['new', 'col'] = sub
print df

The corresponding result is: 相应的结果是:

A       bar                flux                 new
B       one     three       six     three       col
x  0.627915  0.507184  0.690787  1.166318 -0.062872
y  0.927342  0.788232  1.776677 -0.512259 -0.849335
z  1.000000  1.000000  1.000000  0.000000  0.000000

Here's an example of a work-around that allows you to use tuple indexing in the DataFrame eval function.下面是一个变通方法示例,它允许您在 DataFrame eval 函数中使用元组索引。 I know this is an old one, but I couldn't find a good answer to the original question.我知道这是一个旧问题,但我找不到原始问题的好答案。

from pandas import DataFrame, MultiIndex
import re


def tuples_to_str(t):
    return LEVEL_DELIMITER.join(t)

def str_to_tuples(s):
    return tuple(s.split(LEVEL_DELIMITER))

def flatten_mi_var_expression(e):
    # Find match to multi-index variables and flatten
    tuple_re = r'\(.*?,.*?\)'
    for tuple_str in re.findall(tuple_re, e):
        e = e.replace(tuple_str, tuples_to_str(eval(tuple_str)))
    return e

# Create the object
columns = [
    ('bar', 'one'),
    ('bar', 'three'),
    ('flux', 'six'),
    ('flux', 'three')
data = [
    [0.627915, 0.507184, 0.690787, 1.166318],
    [0.927342, 0.788232, 1.776677, -0.512259],
    [1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000]
index = MultiIndex.from_tuples(columns, names=['A', 'B'])
df = DataFrame(data, index=['x', 'y', 'z'], columns=index)

# Desired multi-index variable expression (using tuple indexes)
new_col = ('new', 'col')
mi_expression = f"{new_col} = {('flux', 'six')} + {('bar', 'one')}"

# Capture the original multi-index column object
mi_cols = df.columns

# Flatten the multi-index columns
df.columns = [LEVEL_DELIMITER.join(col) for col in df.columns.values]

# Convert multi-index variable expression to flattened indexing
flat_expression = flatten_mi_var_expression(mi_expression)

# Evaluate
df.eval(flat_expression, inplace=True)

# Append the new column to the original multi-index instance and assign to the DataFrame
df.columns = MultiIndex.from_tuples(mi_cols.tolist() + [new_col], names=mi_cols.names)


This should provide the following.这应该提供以下内容。

A       bar                flux                 new
B       one     three       six     three       col
x  0.627915  0.507184  0.690787  1.166318  1.318702
y  0.927342  0.788232  1.776677 -0.512259  2.704019
z  1.000000  1.000000  1.000000  0.000000  2.000000

Not sure how safe this is with using python eval (which really isn't needed), but this example seems to work.不确定使用 python eval(实际上不需要)的安全性,但这个例子似乎有效。

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