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在Google Play上首次购买应用的详细信息

[英]Details of first purchase of app on Google Play

With the intention to shift an app from paid to free, whilst supporting paid users with additional privileges, I'd like to be able to query Google Play to find out the details of the user's initial purchase of the app - app version at the time of first purchase, or even first download, would be the best information, but timestamp would work well too. 由于打算将应用从付费转为免费,同时为付费用户提供额外权限,我希望能够查询Google Play,了解用户最初购买该应用的详细信息 - 当时的应用版本首次购买,甚至首次下载,将是最好的信息,但时间戳也会很好。

Most of the documentation seems to revolve around in-app purchases, implying that it would be unsuitable. 大多数文档似乎都围绕应用内购买,这意味着它不适合。 ( http://developer.android.com/google/play/billing/api.html ) http://developer.android.com/google/play/billing/api.html

Licensing looks like it only refers to the app's current state, without providing a means to check the license history ( http://developer.android.com/google/play/licensing/overview.html ) 许可看起来只是指应用程序的当前状态,而不提供检查许可历史记录的方法( http://developer.android.com/google/play/licensing/overview.html

Many of the paid users may no longer have the app installed, but I still want to support them as legacy users should they re-install, so an intermediate update would be unsuitable. 许多付费用户可能不再安装该应用,但我仍然希望支持他们作为旧版用户重新安装,因此中间更新将不合适。

Any ideas? 有任何想法吗?

Looks like this isn't possible; 看起来这是不可能的; there's no practical way to cover users who don't have the app currently installed. 没有实用的方法来覆盖那些没有安装当前应用的用户。

The only work-around involves turning the current app into an 'unlocker' app, and releasing a new app as the free version. 唯一的解决方法是将当前应用程序转换为“解锁器”应用程序,并将新应用程序作为免费版本发布。 If the unlocker app is detected as installed, then treat them as a legacy user. 如果解锁器应用程序被检测为已安装,则将其视为旧用户。

The unlocker app can be unpublished from the app store, preventing people from being able to continue to purchase it, but people who already have purchased it will continue to be able to download and install it from their 'my apps' list, providing support for legacy users. 解锁器应用程序可以从应用程序商店取消发布,阻止人们继续购买它,但已经购买它的人将继续能够从他的“我的应用程序”列表下载并安装它,为传统用户。

So ugly, and loses you your app store ratings and review history, and risks confusing your users... all for the sake of not having a purchase receipt! 如此丑陋,并且失去了你的应用商店评级和评论历史,并且让用户感到困惑......所有这些都是为了没有购买收据!

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