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[英]Update app from WP7 to WP8

I have a problem, 我有个问题,

I have WP7 an app in store, which is already installed on Windows Phone 7 and 8 devices. 我在商店中有WP7应用程序,该应用程序已经安装在Windows Phone 7和8设备上。 Now I want to add WP8 app version. 现在,我想添加WP8应用程序版本。 So in dashboard I click "add new", and selecting new .xap file which is dedicated to WP8. 因此,在信息中心中,我单击“添加新”,然后选择专用于WP8的新.xap文件。 Finally I have two .xap files dedicated to WP7 and WP8. 最后,我有两个专用于WP7和WP8的.xap文件。

But my question is: What will happen with the user who has Windows Phone 8 device and some time ago already installed application with WP7 version ? 但是我的问题是:拥有Windows Phone 8设备并且一段时间前已经安装了WP7版本的应用程序的用户将如何处理?

a) is his app (which is currently WP7)will be automatically updated to WP8 a)是他的应用程序(当前为WP7)将自动更新为WP8

b) nothing will be happen b)什么都不会发生

c) something else (and what) c)其他(和什么)

Thanks in advance 提前致谢

Users on a Windows phone 8 OS handset will get an app upgrade request if their phone is configured for manual app upgrades. 如果Windows Phone 8 OS手机上的用户配置为手动进行应用程序升级,则他们将收到应用程序升级请求。 Should they accept, the app will be upgraded to the WP8 XAP version you have uploaded. 如果他们接受,该应用程序将升级到您已上传的WP8 XAP版本。 Obviously, users who have opted for the automatic app updates will also be upgraded to the WP8 XAP version. 显然,选择自动应用程序更新的用户也将升级到WP8 XAP版本。

Any users on WP7 handsets will stay on the WP7 XAP version. WP7手机上的所有用户都将保留WP7 XAP版本。

see the examples illustrated on the MSDN 请参阅MSDN上说明的示例

The problem is you can always run WP7 application in WP8 devices where as you'll not be able to do the other way around. 问题是您总是可以在WP8设备中运行WP7应用程序,因为您将无法进行其他操作。 So you've got two options: 因此,您有两种选择:

  • To have two different apps for WP7 & WP8 为WP7和WP8有两个不同的应用程序
  • To update your WP7 app to WP8 (which is ideally a single app) 要将您的WP7应用更新为WP8(理想情况下是单个应用)

I would suggest the last one, as most of the users have already moved into WP8 it's better if you can target that range of customers. 我建议使用最后一个,因为大多数用户已经使用WP8,因此最好将目标客户定位为WP8。

Answering to your question it'll not automatically update your WP7 application to WP8. 回答您的问题,它不会自动将WP7应用程序更新为WP8。 So the answer would be nothing would happen, but the user will not be able to use the app as it's not compatible till you release the updated version. 因此,答案将是什么都不会发生,但是用户将无法使用该应用程序,因为它不兼容,直到您发布更新的版本。

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