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WP7 / WP8-应用文字样式

[英]WP7 / WP8 - Apply text styles

As you know, in Windows Phone SDK there are several styles that you can apply to textblocks. 如您所知,在Windows Phone SDK中,您可以将多种样式应用于文本块。 For reference: MSDN 供参考: MSDN

Since you can't always remember the full name of the style, is there an easy way to apply them? 由于您无法始终记住样式的全名,是否有一种简单的方法可以应用它们? Do I really have to go to that link everytime I need to apply a new style? 每当我需要应用新样式时,我是否真的必须转到该链接?

IntelliSense is not helpful enough? IntelliSense还不够有用吗? I usually, write StaticResource text and then the list gets filtered with all the styles containing the "text" string. 通常,我编写StaticResource text ,然后使用包含“文本”字符串的所有样式过滤列表。 Kind of depends according to your needs. 种取决于您的需要。 If you want to apply for font style, write "font" and see the list of suggestions. 如果要申请字体样式,请写“ font”并查看建议列表。

Now, I'm not sure if my IntelliSense is as yours or is already enhanced by Resharper. 现在,我不确定我的IntelliSense是否如您所愿,或者是否已被Resharper增强。 If you haven't heard of it, take a look at it. 如果您还没有听说过,请看看它。 You gotta hit CTRL + SPACE if the suggestion list isn't there, and it will get filled with possible matches. 如果建议列表不存在,则必须按CTRL + SPACE ,它将充满可能的匹配项。 It's a nice productivity tool that does MUCH more and actually is not free but, I guess you could also get it crac... ahem :) 这是一个不错的生产力工具,做更多的,实际上是不是免费的,但是,我想你也能得到它的CRAC ...啊哈:)

Other than this, I guess a quick bookmark to that web address, does that job pretty well. 除此之外,我猜想该网址有一个快速书签,可以很好地完成该工作。 :) :)

The easiest way is to ensure you have the visual designer open while creating the view. 最简单的方法是确保在创建视图时打开视觉设计器。 You can right click on your TextBlock select Edit Style -> Apply Resource ->. 您可以右键单击TextBlock,然后选择“编辑样式”->“应用资源”->。 From here you will see a long list of available styles to pick from. 从这里您将看到一长串可供选择的样式。

I just found out that what I was looking for will be implemented in Visual Studio 2013! 我刚刚发现我想要的东西将在Visual Studio 2013中实现!

Here you go: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/visualstudio/archive/2013/08/09/xaml-editor-improvements-in-visual-studio-2013.aspx 您可以在这里: http : //blogs.msdn.com/b/visualstudio/archive/2013/08/09/xaml-editor-improvements-in-visual-studio-2013.aspx

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