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[英]Font is different in WP7 and WP8 project

this is quite a strange thing I've run into. 这是我遇到的一件很奇怪的事情。 I've been developing Windows Phone Apps for over a year now, and even with the WP8 switch i never seen this before. 我已经开发Windows Phone应用程序已有一年多了,即使使用WP8开关,我也从未见过。

If i take my WP 7.1 app and upgrade it to WP 8 the font gets quite messed up, shown in the two screenshots below. 如果我使用WP 7.1应用程序并将其升级到WP 8,则字体会很混乱,如下面的两个屏幕截图所示。 (Both taken from my WP8 Lumia 620) (均取自我的WP8 Lumia 620)

  1. WP 7.1 Version - WP 7.1版本-


  1. WP 8 Version - WP 8版本-


Quite strange indeed, the font used is "visitor1 TT1 BRK" from http://www.dafont.com/visitor.font 确实很奇怪,所使用的字体是来自http://www.dafont.com/visitor.font的 “ visitor1 TT1 BRK”

The font is set as a BlendEmbeddedFont and used in XAML like this: 字体设置为BlendEmbeddedFont,并在XAML中使用,如下所示:

FontFamily="/TronRadio;component/Fonts/Fonts.zip#Visitor TT1 BRK"

Is it a .NET 4.5 thing that needs to be set or some other kind of problem? 是需要设置的.NET 4.5还是其他问题? It is the first time I've seen this problem, i have upgraded other apps with embedded fonts without running into this. 这是我第一次看到此问题,我已升级其他具有嵌入式字体的应用程序而没有遇到此问题。

One note is that the font shows up fine in the Design Workplace (Visual Studio 2012 and Blend). 需要注意的是,字体在Design Workplace(Visual Studio 2012和Blend)中显示得很好。 However on the Windows Phone 8 and Emulators the above problems shows. 但是,在Windows Phone 8和模拟器上,会出现上述问题。

Thanks 谢谢

Why don't you select the font in Expression Blend and then Embed it separately for Windows Phone 7 and 8 apps. 为什么不在Expression Blend中选择字体,然后其分别嵌入 Windows Phone 7和8应用程序。 This might help. 这可能会有所帮助。

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