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[英]method returning value in Java

what is the wrong with this fragment of code. 这段代码有什么问题? In eclipse why it is showing that method must return a double value? 在Eclipse中,为什么显示该方法必须返回一个double值?

public void setLength(double length){
    if(length>0.0 && length<20.00){
        throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Length is not correct." );

public double  getLength(){
        System.out.printf("\nAs wrong data, calculation Not possible.\n ");
        return length;

because you define a result value of type double here: 因为您在此处定义了double类型的结果值:

public double  getLength()
         System.out.printf("\nAs wrong data, calculation Not possible.\n ");
          return length;

but in your first if condition you return nothing. 但在您的第一个if condition您什么也不返回。

return at least a default value for the first condition or throw an exception if this is absolutly invalid. 返回第一个condition至少一个默认值,或者如果绝对无效则抛出exception

         System.out.printf("\nAs wrong data, calculation Not possible.\n ");
         return -1;

or 要么

public double  getLength() throws Exception
     System.out.printf("\nAs wrong data, calculation Not possible.\n ");
     throw new Exception("wrong data, calculation Not possible.");
      return length;
     System.out.printf("\nAs wrong data, calculation Not possible.\n ");
    // should return from here as well or throw exception 

The error is in the getLenght() method. 错误发生在getLenght()方法中。

If the condition in the if statement is true, you return nothing. 如果if语句中的条件为true,则不返回任何内容。 Otherwise, you return a double. 否则,您将返回一个双精度值。

So the Java compiler (not Eclipse) is expecting a double to be returned. 因此,Java编译器(不是Eclipse)期望返回一个double。

You probably want something like 您可能想要类似

public double getLength() {
    if( dataRight == false )
        throw new RuntimeException("\nAs wrong data, calculation Not possible.\n ");
    return this.length;
 public double  getLength()
       System.out.printf("\nAs wrong data, calculation Not possible.\n ");
       return 0.0; //<-- Return path must exist for all possible paths in a method, you could also add exception handling
       return length;
public class Test {

    private double length;
    private boolean dataRight = true;

    public void setLength(double length) {
        if (length > 0.0 && length < 20.00) {
            this.length = length;
        } else {
            dataRight = false;
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Length is not correct.");

    public double getLength() {
        if (!dataRight) {
            System.out.printf("\nAs wrong data, calculation Not possible.\n ");
            return 0.0; // <<<--- If dataRight is false then return double
                        // default values
        return length;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Test test= new Test();

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