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[英]Migrate Neo4j data to GrapheneDB

So I'm ready to move my Neo4j database from my local machine to GrapheneDB for further development. 因此,我准备将Neo4j数据库从本地计算机移至GrapheneDB,以进行进一步的开发。

How can I move the data on my local machine to the GrapheneDB remote store? 如何将本地计算机上的数据移至GrapheneDB远程存储?

I'm one of the founders at GrapheneDB . 我是GrapheneDB的创始人之一。

Moving your data from your local machine to GrapheneDB is simple: 将数据从本地计算机移至GrapheneDB很简单:

  1. Stop your local instance: $ bin/neo4j stop 停止本地实例: $ bin/neo4j stop
  2. Put the contentes in a tarball or other type of compressed file (zip, gz): tar -cjf graph.tar.bz2 data/graph.db 将内容放入tarball或其他类型的压缩文件(zip,gz)中: tar -cjf graph.tar.bz2 data/graph.db
  3. Sign up or log in to GrapheneDB and create your database instance 注册或登录GrapheneDB并创建您的数据库实例
  4. Once the DB is created, navigate to the admin and use the restore feature to upload your compressed store files 创建数据库后,导航至管理员并使用还原功能上载压缩的存储文件

Notes: 笔记:

  • Neo4j should be stopped before copying your store files into a compressed file 在将商店文件复制到压缩文件之前,应停止Neo4j
  • You should restore into the same or a higher version on GrapheneDB, ie 2.0.X into 2.1.X or 2.1.6 into 2.1.6. 您应在GrapheneDB上还原到相同或更高的版本,即将2.0.X还原为2.1.X或将2.1.6还原为2.1.6。

I hope this helps. 我希望这有帮助。

If you have any issues let us know. 如果您有任何问题,请告诉我们。 You can also contact our support once you've signed up through support UI or by emailing support at graphenedb dot com. 通过支持UI或通过graphenedb dot com通过电子邮件发送支持后,也可以联系我们的支持。

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