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[英]How to migrate my local neo4j dataset to the grapheneDB instance

I am currently working on a project and It's time for me to host both the application and my graph database. 我目前正在一个项目上,现在该托管应用程序和图形数据库了。 I have chosen heroku and I have been able to deploy my application, add an add-on (GrpaheneDB). 我选择了heroku,并且能够部署我的应用程序,添加了附加组件(GrpaheneDB)。 Now I would like to migrate my local dataset on my online database. 现在,我想在在线数据库上迁移本地数据集。 I have been searching for two days now. 我现在已经搜寻了两天。

Every time I try restoring the database, I get this error: 每次尝试还原数据库时,都会出现此错误: 发现附件错误

To quote from GrapheneDB's troubleshooting section for importing: 引用GrapheneDB的疑难解答部分进行导入:

When a restore process fails, it's usually due to one of the following reasons: 还原过程失败时,通常是由于以下原因之一:

  • The store files were copied while Neo4j is still running: Make sure Neo4j is stopped. 在Neo4j仍在运行时复制了存储文件:确保Neo4j已停止。
  • The store files correspond to a newer version of Neo4j than the one on GrapheneDB: Make sure you restore to the same version or higher. 与GrapheneDB上的存储文件相对应,存储文件对应的Neo4j版本较新:确保还原到相同或更高版本。
  • The compressed file is not a supported format: Make sure you use one of our supported formats, which include zip, tar, cpio, gz, bz2 and xz. 压缩文件不是受支持的格式:请确保您使用我们支持的格式之一,包括zip,tar,cpio,gz,bz2和xz。
  • There are store files missing within the compressed file: Make sure the archive contains the full graph.db directory and all files inside (use the recursive option when creating the archive). 压缩文件中缺少存储文件:确保归档文件包含完整的graph.db目录以及其中的所有文件(在创建归档文件时使用递归选项)。

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