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[英]'examples' in matplotlib documentation

Many matplotlib function doc pages (eg matplotlib.pyplot.hist ) give a reference to an example somewhere , eg 许多matplotlib函数文档页面(例如matplotlib.pyplot.hist )在某处提供了对示例的引用,例如

.. plot:: mpl_examples/statistics/histogram_demo_features.py

If I'm using ipython, is there an easy way to look at these examples? 如果我正在使用ipython,有没有简单的方法来查看这些示例?

All the examples are on the website. 所有的例子都在网站上。 For the example you mentioned: http://matplotlib.org/examples/statistics/histogram_demo_features.html 对于您提到的示例: http//matplotlib.org/examples/statistics/histogram_demo_features.html

You can see the list of examples here: http://matplotlib.org/gallery.html 您可以在此处查看示例列表: http//matplotlib.org/gallery.html

you can %load files in IPython, and if the filename starts with "http://" it will load the URL. 你可以%load在IPython中%load文件,如果文件名以“http://”开头,它将加载URL。

They call them magic commands for a reason! 他们称他们为魔术命令是有原因的!

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