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什么是bash中命令行参数的$ opt变量

[英]What is $opt variable for command line parameter in bash

I have below bash script, I am a bit confuse about what is $opt meaning. 我在bash脚本下面,对$ opt的含义有些困惑。 and I do not find detail information about it after search. 搜索后我没有找到有关它的详细信息。

test.sh: test.sh:

echo "opt:" $opt for opt; do echo $opt done

output: 输出:
./test.sh -a -bc opt: -a -bc

the for statement goes generally like this: for语句通常如下所示:

for x in a b c; do

$x has the value a on the first iteration, then b , then c . $x在第一次迭代中的值为a ,然后为b ,然后为c the abc part need not be written out literally, the list to iterate through can be given by a variable, like the $@ , which has the list of all arguments to the current scope: abc部分不需要abc写出,要遍历的列表可以由变量给出,例如$@ ,其中包含当前作用域的所有参数的列表:

for x in "$@"; do

further, in "$@" is assumed if you provide no list explicitly: 此外,如果您未明确提供任何列表,则假定 in "$@"

for x; do

From the bash(1) man page : bash(1)手册页中

  for name [ [ in [ word ... ] ] ; ] do list ; done The list of words following in is expanded, generating a list of items. The variable name is set to each element of this list in turn, and list is executed each time. If the in word is omit‐ ted, the for command executes list once for each positional parameter that is set (see PARAMETERS below). The return status is the exit status of the last command that executes. If the expansion of the items following in results in an empty list, no commands are executed, and the return status is 0. 

So, if the in word is missing the for loop iterates over the positional arguments to the script, ie $1 , $2 , $3 , .... 因此,如果in单词缺失,则for循环遍历脚本的位置参数,即$1$2$3 ,...。

There is nothing special about the name opt , any legal variable name can be used. 名称opt没什么特别的,可以使用任何合法变量名称。 Consider this script and its output: 考虑一下此脚本及其输出:

echo $*    # output all positional parameters $1, $2,...
for x
    echo $x

$ ./test.sh -a -b hello
-a -b hello

$opt is not a built-in or special variable. $opt不是内置变量或特殊变量。 If it's mentioned in the script (outside of for opt without the in something part, which @mhawke already explained ) it should either be defined earlier in the script or it's expected that it is export ed before running the script. 如果它在脚本中提到的(外for opt没有in something的一部分,这@mhawke已经说明 )它应该要么早在脚本中定义或它的预期,这是export运行脚本之前。

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