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[英]Registering same singleton for multiple interfaces in IOC

I have a service that needs to be able to handle native assets and attribute types, so I have a core service in my PCL called BaseThemeService which implements interface IThemeService . 我有一个需要能够处理本机资产和属性类型的服务,因此我的PCL中有一个名为BaseThemeService的核心服务,它实现了接口IThemeService I need to be able to access some attributes from the core PCL, which is why it implements the IThemeService from the core PCL. 我需要能够从核心PCL访问一些属性,这就是它从核心PCL实现IThemeService原因。

Within each platform project, I have a class ThemeService which implements IDroidThemeService and extends BaseThemeService . 在每个平台项目中,我有一个类ThemeService ,它实现了IDroidThemeService并扩展了BaseThemeService I then register the IDroidThemeService singleton in the setup of each project manually. 然后我手动在每个项目的设置中注册IDroidThemeService单例。

This works, except that there are now 2 instances of BaseThemeService . 这有效,但现在有2个BaseThemeService实例。 1 that is registered for the IThemeService for the core, and 1 that is registered for the IDroidThemeService for the platform. 1为核心的IThemeService注册,1为平台的IDroidThemeService注册。

To work around this I construct it myself and then register each appropriately: 为了解决这个问题,我自己构建它,然后适当地注册每个:

protected override void InitializeFirstChance()
    ThemeService themeService = new ThemeService(Mvx.Resolve<IMvxJsonConverter>(), Mvx.Resolve<IMvxResourceLoader>());


This seems like it should work, but it doesn't since the IMvxJsonConverter and IMvxResourceLoader services have not been registered yet. 这似乎应该可行,但它没有,因为IMvxJsonConverterIMvxResourceLoader服务尚未注册。

I see in the MvvmCross documentation that auto-loading using lazy construction will register a service with all implemented interfaces. 我在MvvmCross文档中看到,使用延迟构造的自动加载将注册所有已实现接口的服务。 Is there a way to use that functionality here to remove the manual registration? 有没有办法在这里使用该功能来删除手动注册?

Answer 回答

protected override void InitializeFirstChance()


private DroidThemeService DroidSingletonService = null;
private DroidThemeService GetThemeService()
    if (DroidSingletonService == null)
        DroidSingletonService = Mvx.IocConstruct<DroidThemeService>();
    return DroidSingletonService;

This ended up being the ultimate resolution. 这最终成为最终解决方案。 I know the RegisterAsLazySingleton looks to solve this problem automatically, so I'll update again if I find a way to implement this that is slightly cleaner. 我知道RegisterAsLazySingleton会自动解决这个问题,所以如果我找到一种方法来实现这个问题,我会再次更新。

You can register a factory for the singleton which can produce a singleton manually and return that whenever anyone wants to call it. 您可以为单身人士注册工厂,该工厂可以手动生成单件,并在有人想要调用它时返回。 See the docs for Lazy Singleton Registration 请参阅Lazy Singleton Registration的文档

ThemeService singletonService = null;
private ThemeService GetThemeService() 
    if (singletonService == null) 
        singletonService = new ThemeService(Mvx.Resolve<IMvxJsonConverter>(), Mvx.Resolve<IMvxResourceLoader>());
    return singletonService;

protected override void InitializeFirstChance()


Depending on your situation, it may be appropriate for the field and method to be static. 根据您的具体情况,字段和方法可能是静态的。

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