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[英]Windsor register singleton component for multiple interfaces

I want to register one class with 2 interfaces in Castle.Windsor. 我想在Castle.Windsor中注册一个带有2个接口的类。

does this code work... Will I have only one instance for both interfaces... 这段代码是否有用...我是否只有两个接口的实例...


I need to double check this because my environment should always be the same instance... 我需要仔细检查这个,因为我的环境应该始终是同一个实例...

So when I resolve using the IEnvironment interface I should get the same instance as when using IOutlookEnvironment to resolve the component 因此,当我使用IEnvironment接口解析时,我应该获得与使用IOutlookEnvironment解析组件时相同的实例

You need to use the use multi-generic-parameter overload of the Component.For method 您需要使用Component.For方法的multi-generic-parameter重载

Component.For<IEnvironment, IOutlookEnvironment>()

See also in the documentation: Registering component with multiple services section. 另请参阅文档: 使用多个服务注册组件部分。

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