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[英]Castle Windsor: Register two interfaces as one singleton with interception

Following my previous question regarding Unity ( Unity: Register two interfaces as one singleton with interception ), I tried to do the same with Castle Windsor: 在我先前关于Unity的问题( Unity:将两个接口注册为具有拦截功能的一个单例 )之后,我尝试对Castle Windsor进行相同的操作:

I have a class that implements two interfaces, and I want to apply interception to the class's methods. 我有一个实现两个接口的类,并且想对类的方法应用拦截。 I'm using forwarded types to do this and have come up with the following code: 我使用转发类型来做到这一点,并提出了以下代码:

public interface I1
    void Method1();

public interface I2
    void Method2();

public class C : I1, I2
    public void Method1() {}
    public void Method2() {}

public class LogInterceptor : IInterceptor
    public void Intercept(IInvocation invocation)
        Console.WriteLine("Entering " + invocation.Method.Name);
        Console.WriteLine("Leaving " + invocation.Method.Name);

public static void CastleWindsorTest()
    var container = new WindsorContainer();
        Component.For<I2, I1>().ImplementedBy<C>()
            .Interceptors(new InterceptorReference(typeof(LogInterceptor))).First


The above code leads to the following output: 上面的代码导致以下输出:

Entering Method2
Leaving Method2

Unhandled Exception: System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'Castle.Proxies.I2Proxy' to type 'I1'.
at Castle.Windsor.WindsorContainer.Resolve[T]() in e:\OSS.Code\Castle.Windsor\src\Castle.Windsor\Windsor\WindsorContainer.cs:line 872
at BlahMain.Program.CastleWindsorTest()
at BlahMain.Program.Main(String[] args)

Removing the ".Interceptors" line causes the code to run without problems (but of course my interception code is not invoked). 删除“ .Interceptors”行会使代码运行没有问题(但当然不会调用我的拦截代码)。 If I remove the ".Interceptors" line and instead decorate class C with "[Interceptor(typeof(LogInterceptor))]", I get the same output as above (ie Entering/Leaving Method2, followed by the exception). 如果我删除“ .Interceptors”行,而用“ [[Interceptor(typeof(LogInterceptor))]””装饰类C,则会得到与上述相同的输出(即Enter / LeaveMethod2,后跟异常)。

Is there a way to achieve this? 有没有办法做到这一点?

I hope I understood what you meant. 我希望我明白你的意思。 I tried to use: 我尝试使用:

var container = new WindsorContainer();
        Component.For<C, I2, I1>().ImplementedBy<C>()
            .Interceptors(new InterceptorReference(typeof(LogInterceptor))).First


Now the application doesn't crash with an exception, but my logging code is not called. 现在,应用程序不会因异常而崩溃,但是不会调用我的日志记录代码。 The output I get is: 我得到的输出是:

Method2 0
Method1 2

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