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[英]ggplot with extreme values


Have two questions - 有两个问题-

1.What could be the best way to show / compare extreme values. 1.什么是显示/比较极限值的最佳方法? The T group in the graph has value but no where close to the other groups, M & F 图中的T组有值,但与其他组M和F接近

  1. Is the way I can show proper number on the Y axis without having to divide them by 1000s? 是我可以在Y轴上显示适当数字而不必将它们除以1000的方式吗?

Assume a data.frame like the following: 假设一个data.frame如下所示:

#big values ranging from 10 to 100000 which would normally
#result to 10 not being shown
df <- data.frame(names=letters[1:3], values=c(100000,1000,10))

You can specify a log scale axis so that you can see both big and small values (uses log distance on the y axis) and also specify labels = comma from the scales library inside the scale_y_log10 function to print 'nice' numbers instead of scientific: 您可以指定对数刻度轴,这样既可以看到大的值,也可以看到小的值(在y轴上使用对数距离),还可以在scale_y_log10函数内部的scales库中指定labels = comma ,以打印“ nice”数字而不是科学数字:

See the following: 请参阅以下内容:

library(scales) #you need this for labels = comma
ggplot(aes(x=names, y=values), data=df) + geom_bar(stat='identity') + 
  #scale_y_log10 will log scale the y axis
  #labels = comma will create nice numbers
  scale_y_log10(labels = comma)


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