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嵌套JSON数组和Knockout observableArray

[英]Nested JSON arrays and Knockout observableArray

I need bind this JSON array to my ViewModel. 我需要将此JSON数组绑定到我的ViewModel。 There is no errors, just data did not binded. 没有错误,只是数据没有绑定。

            "FlightID": "565",
            "FlightNumber": "731",
            "CityFromID": "1",
            "CityFromCode": "MOW",
            "CityToID": "19",
            "CityToCode": "BCN",
            "AirportFromCode": "DME",
            "AirportFromName": null,
            "AirportToCode": "BCN",
            "AirportToName": null,
            "DepartureDate": "20150320",
            "DepartureTime": "17:00",
            "ArrivalDate": "20150320",
            "ArrivalTime": "21:00",
            "Price": "350",
            "Currency": "€",
            "AirServiceID": "89",
            "AirCraft": "Boeing",
            "AirlineName": "TRANSAERO",
            "AirlineCode": "UN",
            "PackageID": "232",
            "CityFromName": "Москва",
            "CityToName": "Барселона",
            "TariffName": null,
            "FinalPrice": 700
            "FlightID": "566",
            "FlightNumber": "732",
            "CityFromID": "19",
            "CityFromCode": null,
            "CityToID": "1",
            "CityToCode": null,
            "AirportFromCode": "BCN",
            "AirportFromName": null,
            "AirportToCode": "DME",
            "AirportToName": null,
            "DepartureDate": "20150321",
            "DepartureTime": "07:00",
            "ArrivalDate": "20150321",
            "ArrivalTime": "11:00",
            "Price": "350",
            "Currency": "€",
            "AirServiceID": "89",
            "AirCraft": "Boeing",
            "AirlineName": "TRANSAERO",
            "AirlineCode": "UN",
            "PackageID": "232",
            "CityFromName": "Барселона",
            "CityToName": "Москва",
            "TariffName": null,
            "FinalPrice": 700
            "FlightID": "563",
            "FlightNumber": "2639",
            "CityFromID": "1",
            "CityFromCode": "MOW",
            "CityToID": "19",
            "CityToCode": "BCN",
            "AirportFromCode": "SVO",
            "AirportFromName": null,
            "AirportToCode": "BCN",
            "AirportToName": null,
            "DepartureDate": "20150320",
            "DepartureTime": "11:50",
            "ArrivalDate": "20150320",
            "ArrivalTime": "19:15",
            "Price": "350",
            "Currency": "€",
            "AirServiceID": "89",
            "AirCraft": "Boeing",
            "AirlineName": "Aeroflot-Russian International AirLines",
            "AirlineCode": "SU",
            "PackageID": "232",
            "CityFromName": "Москва",
            "CityToName": "Барселона",
            "TariffName": null,
            "FinalPrice": 700
            "FlightID": "564",
            "FlightNumber": "2640",
            "CityFromID": "19",
            "CityFromCode": null,
            "CityToID": "1",
            "CityToCode": null,
            "AirportFromCode": "BCN",
            "AirportFromName": null,
            "AirportToCode": "SVO",
            "AirportToName": null,
            "DepartureDate": "20150321",
            "DepartureTime": "11:50",
            "ArrivalDate": "20150321",
            "ArrivalTime": "14:50",
            "Price": "350",
            "Currency": "€",
            "AirServiceID": "89",
            "AirCraft": "Boeing",
            "AirlineName": "Aeroflot-Russian International AirLines",
            "AirlineCode": "SU",
            "PackageID": "232",
            "CityFromName": "Барселона",
            "CityToName": "Москва",
            "TariffName": null,
            "FinalPrice": 700

This is how I call: 这就是我所说的:

self.getprices = function () {
                url: "@Url.Content("~/Home/GetFlights")",
                data: $("form").serialize(),
                type: "post",
                cache: false,
                dataType: "json"
                .done(function (result) {
                    if (result === "Запрос не вернул результатов.") {
                    } else {
                        ko.mapping.fromJS(result, {}, self.prices());
                .fail(function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) {

And this is markup: 这是标记:

<div class="row" id="searchresult">
            <div class="col-md-6" id="flightsfrom">
                <table class="table table-striped">
                    <tbody data-bind="foreach: flightsfrom">
                            <td data-bind="text: ko.utils.unwrapObservable($data.CityFromName) + ' ' + ko.utils.unwrapObservable($data.AirportFromCode) + ' - ' + ko.utils.unwrapObservable($data.CityToName) + ' ' + ko.utils.unwrapObservable($data.AirportToCode)"></td>
                            <td data-bind="text: 'Вылет: ' + ko.utils.unwrapObservable($data.DepartureTime) + ' Прилет: ' + ko.utils.unwrapObservable($data.ArrivalTime)"></td>
                            <td data-bind="text: ko.utils.unwrapObservable($data.AirlineName)"></td>
                        <td data-bind="text: ko.utils.unwrapObservable($data.AirlineCode) + ' ' + ko.utils.unwrapObservable($data.FlightNumber)+ '. Тип ВС: ' + ko.utils.unwrapObservable($data.AirCraft)"></td>
                            <input type="button" data-bind="value: 'Купить за : ' + ko.utils.unwrapObservable($data.FinalPrice) + ' ' + ko.utils.unwrapObservable($data.Currency), click: $root.bookflight.bind($data, $data.AirlineCode)" class="btn btn-warning" name="booking" />
            <div class="col-md-6" id="flightsto">
                <table class="table table-striped">
                    <tbody data-bind="foreach: flightsto">
                            <td data-bind="text: ko.utils.unwrapObservable($data.CityFromName) + ' ' + ko.utils.unwrapObservable($data.AirportFromCode) + ' - ' + ko.utils.unwrapObservable($data.CityToName) + ' ' + ko.utils.unwrapObservable($data.AirportToCode)"></td>
                            <td data-bind="text: 'Вылет: ' + ko.utils.unwrapObservable($data.DepartureTime) + ' Прилет: ' + ko.utils.unwrapObservable($data.ArrivalTime)"></td>
                            <td data-bind="text: ko.utils.unwrapObservable($data.AirlineName)"></td>
                        <td data-bind="text: ko.utils.unwrapObservable($data.AirlineCode) + ' ' + ko.utils.unwrapObservable($data.FlightNumber)+ '. Тип ВС: ' + ko.utils.unwrapObservable($data.AirCraft)"></td>

I really do not have idea how to get all parts work together. 我真的不知道如何使所有部分协同工作。

A few things... 一些东西...

ko.mapping.fromJS() is expecting a javascript literal response object, when your actually getting a json object. 当您实际获得json对象时, ko.mapping.fromJS()需要一个javascript文字响应对象。 From the Knockout documentation : 淘汰赛文档中

If your Ajax call returns a JSON string (and does not deserialize it into a JavaScript object), then you can use the function ko.mapping.fromJSON to create and update your view model instead. 如果您的Ajax调用返回JSON字符串(并且未将其反序列化为JavaScript对象),则可以使用功能ko.mapping.fromJSON来创建和更新视图模型。 To unmap, you can use ko.mapping.toJSON. 要取消映射,可以使用ko.mapping.toJSON。

So your ajax callback should be like the following: 因此,您的ajax回调应如下所示:

ko.mapping.fromJSON(response, self.prices());

Instead of: 代替:

ko.mapping.fromJS(result, {}, self.prices());

Also, since you haven't posted your KO ViewModel, it's not possible to tell if your JSON attribute-value pairs and your view model property-value pairs are equivalent. 另外,由于尚未发布KO ViewModel,因此无法判断JSON attribute-value对和视图模型property-value对是否相等。 This could also be causing problems. 这也可能引起问题。

And, finally, can you confirm that the .done() method of your ajax is being called? 最后,您是否可以确认正在调用ajax的.done()方法?

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