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[英]how to display data in crystal reports using mysql command conditional statement?

I am having a problem displaying conditional statement on my crystal reports. 我在水晶报表上显示条件语句时遇到问题。 I want to display those customers who has a "Paid" status but it seems that my code didn't work because it still displays all of my data from database. 我想显示那些具有“已付费”状态的客户,但是我的代码似乎无法正常工作,因为它仍显示数据库中的所有数据。

        MySqlConnection conn;
        MySqlCommand cmd;
        MySqlDataAdapter adap;

        conn = new MySqlConnection("Server=localhost; Database=order&billing; " +
            "User ID=root; Password=; charset=utf8;"); conn.Open();
        cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
        cmd.CommandText = "select `order`.or_no,`order`.balance,`order`.totalprice, `order`.paid,customer.fname,customer.lname,customer.addr, customer.status, caterselected.catsel from `order` left join customer on `order`.custid=customer.custid left join caterselected on caterselected.nserveid=`order`.nserveid where `customer`.status='Paid'";

        adap = new MySqlDataAdapter();
        adap.SelectCommand = cmd;
        DataSet1 custDB = new DataSet1();
        adap.Fill(custDB, "cust");

        CrystalReport1 myReport = new CrystalReport1();
        crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = myReport; 

这是我的数据集1 And this is the output of my crystal reports 这是我的水晶报告的输出 水晶报告

You are using somewhat strange filtering logic in your SQL query. 您在SQL查询中使用了一些奇怪的过滤逻辑。 This is the query. 这是查询。

select `order`.or_no,
  from `order` 
  left join customer on `order`.custid=customer.custid
  left join caterselected on caterselected.nserveid=`order`.nserveid
 where `customer`.status='Paid'

This where clause pulls selects customer rows with a paid status, and incidentally converts the left join customer clause to an inner join customer clause by putting a filter condition on the left table. where子句拉取选择具有付款状态的客户行,并通过在左表上放置一个过滤条件,顺便将left join customer子句转换为inner join customer子句。

But there's nothing in your tables (that I can see) requiring a customer with Paid status to have only orders with Paid status. 但是您的表(我可以看到)中没有任何内容要求具有“已付款”状态的客户只能拥有“已付款”状态的订单。 You haven't explained your business logic sufficiently for us to understand what it means for a Paid customer to have an Unpaid order. 您尚未充分说明您的业务逻辑,以使我们了解付费客户拥有未付款订单的含义。

What happens if you use this WHERE clause instead? 如果改用此WHERE子句会怎样?

 where `order`.status='Paid'

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