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我可以将此C#逻辑转换为SQL SERVER存储过程吗?

[英]Can i convert this C# logic into SQL SERVER stored procedure?

Helo everyone, 大家好

I have this method written in C#, and it basically search for a register on the database, and if it's repeatable (isRepeatable = true), it will increment and insert itself again in a list with a different date, but with the same Id and Name properties. 我用C#编写了这个方法,它基本上是在数据库上搜索一个寄存器,如果它是可重复的(isRepeatable = true),它将递增并再次将自己插入具有不同日期,但具有相同ID和的列表中。名称属性。 I do specify too the repeating type (daily, weekly, monthly or yearly), and it will go until it reaches the value specified in the RepeatingEndDate or the date that i specify on the method, so it won't loop infinitely through repeatable registers that don't have a RepeatingEndDate specified. 我也确实指定了重复类型(每天,每周,每月或每年),并且会一直重复直到达到RepeatingEndDate中指定的值或我在方法中指定的日期,所以它不会无限循环通过可重复寄存器没有指定RepeatingEndDate的代码。

In summary, if i have a register like this in my Database: 总之,如果我的数据库中有这样的寄存器:

Id: 1
Name: Foo
Date: 03/10/2014
IsRepeatable: true
RepetitionType: 3 (Monthly)
RepeatingEndDate 05/10/2014

This will be the list of registers that my C#'s method will output from that single register: 这将是我的C#方法将从该单个寄存器输出的寄存器列表:

Id: 1
Name: Foo
Date: 03/10/2014
IsRepeatable: true
RepetitionType: 3 (Monthly)
RepeatingEndDate 05/10/2014

Id: 1
Name: Foo
Date: 04/10/2014
IsRepeatable: true
RepetitionType: 3 (Monthly)
RepeatingEndDate 05/10/2014

Id: 1
Name: Foo
Date: 05/10/2014
IsRepeatable: true
RepetitionType: 3 (Monthly)
RepeatingEndDate 05/10/2014

Note that all the properties except the Date are the same, because i'm creating new Objects with all the same properties, but taking in consideration the repetition that i want and setting only the date. 请注意,除日期以外的所有属性都相同,因为我正在创建具有所有相同属性的新对象,但要考虑到我想要的重复并仅设置日期。 My goal here is to process repeatable data without saving multiple data and, in my actual case, letting the application handle the repetition. 我的目标是在不保存多个数据的情况下处理可重复的数据,在我的实际情况下,让应用程序处理重复。

But i found this is really CPU intense at some point, and i had the idea of converting this all to Stored Procedure in SQL SERVER. 但是我发现在某些时候这确实是CPU密集型的,并且我有将其全部转换为SQL SERVER中的存储过程的想法。

My question is: Is it possible to convert all this C# logic into SQL SERVER stored procedure and just consume this proc in my application as a List of Registers? 我的问题是:是否有可能将所有这些C#逻辑转换为SQL SERVER存储过程,并仅在应用程序中将此proc用作寄存器列表? If so, my result will basically be getting a list of registers, some may have the same Id, Name, Etc, but different dates, according to it's repetition. 如果是这样,我的结果基本上是得到一个寄存器列表,根据其重复,有些寄存器可能具有相同的ID,名称,等,但日期不同。


Plain code is here: https://codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/83777/refactoring-a-loop-through-repetitive-registers 普通代码在这里: https : //codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/83777/refactoring-a-loop-through-repetitive-registers

I doubt SQL Server could do more efficiently and easily than c#. 我怀疑SQL Server是否可以比c#更高效,更轻松地执行。

Given the following class: 给定以下类别:

public class Record
    public int Id { get; set;} 
    public string Name {get; set;}

    public DateTime Date {get; set;}

    public bool IsRepeatable {get; set;}

    public int RepetitionType {get; set;}
    public DateTime? RepeatingEndDate { get; set; }

You can expand repetitions using ExpandRepetitions extension method: 您可以使用ExpandRepetitions扩展方法来扩展重复:

public static class RecordExtensions

    private static Func<DateTime, DateTime>[] PeriodIncrementers = new Func<DateTime, DateTime>[]
        (date) => date, // RepetitionType = 0
        (date) => date.AddDays(1), // RepetitionType = 1 (daily)
        (date) => date.AddDays(7), // RepetitionType = 2 (weekly)
        (date) => date.AddMonths(1), // RepetitionType = 3 (monthy)
        (date) => date.AddMonths(3), // RepetitionType = 4 (quarterly)
        (date) => date.AddMonths(6), // RepetitionType = 5 (semiannually)
        (date) => date.AddYears(1), // RepetitionType = 6 (annually)
        (date) => date.AddYears(2), // RepetitionType = 7 (biannually)

    private static Func<DateTime, DateTime>[] DefaultDateLimiters = new Func<DateTime, DateTime>[]
        (date) => date, // RepetitionType = 0
        (date) => (new DateTime(date.Year, date.Month, 1)).AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1), // RepetitionType = 1 (daily). Limit: last day of month
        (date) => date.AddDays(7 * 10 ), // RepetitionType = 2 (weekly). Limit: 10 weeks
        (date) => date.AddYears(1), // RepetitionType = 3 (monthy). Limit: 1 year
        (date) => date.AddYears(2), // RepetitionType = 4 (quarterly). Limit:  2 year
        (date) => date.AddYears(4), // RepetitionType = 5 (semiannually). Limit: 4 years 
        (date) => date.AddYears(8), // RepetitionType = 6 (annually). Limit: 8 years
        (date) => date.AddYears(16), // RepetitionType = 7 (biannually). Limit: 16 years


    public static IEnumerable<Record> ExpandRepetitions(this IEnumerable<Record> records, DateTime? fromDate, DateTime? toDate)
        var concatenation = Enumerable.Empty<Record>();
        foreach (var record in records)
            concatenation = concatenation.Concat(ExpandRepetition(record, fromDate, toDate));
        return concatenation;

    private static IEnumerable<Record> ExpandRepetition(Record record, DateTime? fromDate, DateTime? toDate)
        if ((fromDate == null || fromDate.Value <= record.Date) && (toDate == null || toDate.Value >= record.Date))
            yield return record;
        var previousRecord = record;
        DateTime endDate = record.RepeatingEndDate == null ? DefaultDateLimiters[record.RepetitionType](record.Date) : record.RepeatingEndDate.Value;
        if (toDate.HasValue && toDate.Value < endDate) endDate = toDate.Value;

        var incrementer = PeriodIncrementers[record.RepetitionType];
        if (record.IsRepeatable)
            DateTime date = incrementer(previousRecord.Date);
            while (date <= endDate )
                if (fromDate == null || fromDate.Value <= date)
                    var newRecord = new Record
                        Date = date,
                        IsRepeatable = previousRecord.IsRepeatable,
                        Name = previousRecord.Name,
                        RepeatingEndDate = previousRecord.RepeatingEndDate,
                        RepetitionType = previousRecord.RepetitionType
                    previousRecord = newRecord;
                    yield return newRecord;
                date = incrementer(date);

Use like this: 像这样使用:

var records = new Record[] {
    new Record 
        Id = 1,
        Date = DateTime.Today,
        IsRepeatable = false,
        Name = "Unique",
        RepetitionType = 0
    new Record 
        Id = 2,
        Date = DateTime.Today,
        IsRepeatable = true,
        Name = "Daily",
        RepetitionType = 1
    new Record
        Id = 3,
        Date = DateTime.Today,
        IsRepeatable = true,
        Name = "Weekly",
        RepetitionType = 2,
        RepeatingEndDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(7*2)

var allRecords = records.ExpandRepetitions(DateTime.Today.AddDays(7), new DateTime(2015, 3, 25)).ToList();

Clean and easy! 干净又容易!

CTE would solve your problem. CTE将解决您的问题。 Here is an example that may help you. 这是一个可以帮助您的示例。

    Id INT,
    Name VARCHAR(20),
    [Date] DATE,
    IsRepeatable BIT,
    RepetitionType TINYINT, --1=daily,2=weekly,3=monthly
    RepeatingEndDate DATE

    SELECT 1,'Foo','03/10/2014',1,3,'05/10/2014'

;WITH Date_CTE (Id,Name,IsRepeatable,RepetitionType,RepeatingEndDate,[Date])
    select Id,Name,IsRepeatable,RepetitionType,RepeatingEndDate,[Date] from @T
    SELECT Id,Name,IsRepeatable,RepetitionType,RepeatingEndDate,
            WHEN RepetitionType=1 THEN DATEADD(DAY,1,[Date])
            WHEN RepetitionType=2 THEN DATEADD(WEEK,1,[Date])
            WHEN RepetitionType=3 THEN DATEADD(MONTH,1,[Date])
        END [Date]
    FROM Date_CTE
            WHEN RepetitionType=1 THEN DATEADD(DAY,1,[Date])
            WHEN RepetitionType=2 THEN DATEADD(WEEK,1,[Date])
            WHEN RepetitionType=3 THEN DATEADD(MONTH,1,[Date])
        END <= RepeatingEndDate
    AND IsRepeatable=1
select *
from Date_CTE

Try the following, at least to compare performance against the alternatives. 请尝试以下操作,至少将性能与其他选择进行比较。 It is an inline TVF that outputs the desired rows for a single "Register". 它是嵌入式TVF,可为单个“寄存器”输出所需的行。 For multiple "Registers", just CROSS APPLY it :-). 对于多个“寄存器”,只需CROSS APPLY :-)。 Examples for both are provided below. 下面提供了两个示例。

The Setup: 设置:


IF (OBJECT_ID(N'dbo.GenerateRowsForDates') IS NOT NULL)
    DROP FUNCTION dbo.GenerateRowsForDates;

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.GenerateRowsForDates
  @Id INT,
  @Name NVARCHAR(50),
  @Date DATE,
  @IsRepeatable BIT,
  @RepetitionType TINYINT,
  @RepeatingEndDate DATE

  WITH num1(num) AS
    SELECT tmp.col FROM (
                  VALUES (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1)
                        ) tmp(col)
  ), num2(TheNumber) AS
    SELECT 0
    FROM   num1 n1
    CROSS JOIN num1 n2
    --CROSS JOIN num1 n3 -- uncomment if you need more than 100 repetitions
  ), dates(TheDate) AS
    SELECT TOP (CASE WHEN @IsRepeatable = 0 THEN 1
                     ELSE CASE @RepetitionType
                               WHEN 1 THEN DATEDIFF(DAY, @Date, @RepeatingEndDate)
                               WHEN 2 THEN DATEDIFF(WEEK, @Date, @RepeatingEndDate)
                               WHEN 3 THEN DATEDIFF(MONTH, @Date, @RepeatingEndDate)
                          END + 1
           CASE @RepetitionType
              WHEN 1 THEN DATEADD(DAY, num2.TheNumber, @Date)
              WHEN 2 THEN DATEADD(WEEK, num2.TheNumber, @Date)
              WHEN 3 THEN DATEADD(MONTH, num2.TheNumber, @Date)
    FROM   num2
         @Id AS [Id],
         @Name AS [Name],
         dates.TheDate AS [Date],
         @IsRepeatable AS [IsRepeatable],
         @RepetitionType AS [RepetitionType],
         @RepeatingEndDate AS [RepeatingEndDate]
  FROM dates;

Single Register tests: 单寄存器测试:

SELECT * FROM dbo.GenerateRowsForDates(1, N'Foo', '2014-03-10', 1, 3, '2014-05-10');
-- 3 rows

SELECT * FROM dbo.GenerateRowsForDates(1, N'Foo', '2014-03-10', 0, 3, '2014-05-10');
-- 1 row (due to @IsRepeatable being set to 0)

Multiple Register test: 多寄存器测试:

  Id INT,
  Name NVARCHAR(50),
  [Date] DATE,
  IsRepeatable BIT,
  RepetitionType TINYINT,
  RepeatingEndDate DATE

INSERT INTO @Registers VALUES (1, N'Foo', '2014-03-10', 1, 3, '2014-05-10');
INSERT INTO @Registers VALUES (2, N'Who', '2014-03-10', 1, 1, '2014-05-10');
INSERT INTO @Registers VALUES (3, N'You', '2014-03-10', 1, 2, '2014-05-10');

SELECT dates.*
FROM   @Registers reg
CROSS APPLY dbo.GenerateRowsForDates(reg.[Id], reg.[Name], reg.[Date],
                                     reg.[IsRepeatable], reg.[RepetitionType],
                                     reg.[RepeatingEndDate]) dates
ORDER BY dates.[Id] ASC, dates.[Date] ASC;

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