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[英]Inheriting a generic in c#

I've inherited a large codebase and I'm trying to implement some new functionality into the framework. 我继承了一个大型代码库,我正在尝试在框架中实现一些新功能。 Basically, in order to do it the "right" way, I would have to modify the entire structure of the framework. 基本上,为了以“正确”的方式做到这一点,我将不得不修改框架的整个结构。 since I'm not the guy who designed the framework, nor am I a mind reader, doing so probably isn't going to happen (although I would really love to redesign it all from scratch myself). 因为我不是那个设计框架的人,也不是一个心灵读者,这样做可能不会发生(尽管我真的很想从头开始重新设计它)。

So in order to do what I want, I'm trying to implement a decorator pattern, of sorts. 所以为了做我想做的事,我正在尝试实现一种装饰模式。 This answer from maliger suggests that what I'm doing below is perfectly valid. 马利格的回答表明,我在下面所做的事情是完全有效的。 However, mono doesn't seem to like it; 然而,单声道似乎不喜欢它; it complains that T cannot be derived from when I declare HappyDecorator 它抱怨说, T无法导出,当我宣布HappyDecorator

Please forgive the overly simplistic example, but it gets the point across. 请原谅过于简单化的例子,但它得到了重点。

public class HappyObject
    public virtual void print()
        Console.WriteLine ("I'm happy");

public class VeryHappyObject : HappyObject
    public override void print()
        Console.WriteLine ("I'm very happy");

    public void LeapForJoy()
        Console.WriteLine("Leaping For Joy!");

public class SuperHappyObject : VeryHappyObject
    public override void print()
        Console.WriteLine ("I'm super happy!");

    public void DieOfLaughter()
        Console.WriteLine("Me Dead!");

public class HappyDecorator<T> : T where T : HappyObject
    public string SpecialFactor { get; set; }

    public void printMe()
        Console.WriteLine (SpecialFactor);
class MainClass
    public static void Main (string[] args)
        HappyDecorator<HappyObject> obj = new HappyDecorator<HappyObject> ();
        obj.SpecialFactor = Console.ReadLine();

You're typing HappyDecorator to T, but there's no instance of T to use inside that class. 你正在输入HappyDecorator到T,但在该类中没有T的实例。

public class HappyDecorator<T> where T : HappyObject
    private readonly T _instance;

    public HappyDecorator(T instance)
        _instance = instance;

    public string SpecialFactor { get; set; }

    public void printMe()

Another alternative is to structure it like this with a generic method instead of a generic class. 另一种方法是使用泛型方法而不是泛型类来构造它。 It's not really a decorator then though: 然而,它并不是真正的装饰者:

public class HappyDecorator
    public string SpecialFactor { get; set; }

    public void printMe<T>(T instance) where T : HappyObject

And call like: 并称之为:

        HappyDecorator obj = new HappyDecorator();
        obj.SpecialFactor = Console.ReadLine();
        obj.printMe(new HappyObject()); 

I think this is what you are trying to do: 我想这就是你要做的事情:

    public interface IhappyObject
        void Print();

    public class HappyObject : IhappyObject
        private IhappyObject obj;

        public HappyObject(IhappyObject obj)
            this.obj = obj;

        public void Print()

    public class VeryHappyObject : IhappyObject
        public void Print()
            Console.WriteLine("I'm very happy");

    public class SuperHappyObject : IhappyObject
        public void Print()
            Console.WriteLine("I'm super happy!");

    static void Main(string[] args)
        HappyObject obj = new HappyObject(new SuperHappyObject());

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