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[英]it is possible to put different layouts for child items in ExpandableListView?

I'm a new developer with android and I'm trying to put different layouts for child items in Expandable List View but I can't found the complete tutorial to do this so if is possible to do this, please help with a link for a good tutorial or a simple code source for this type of Expandable List View. 我是android的新开发人员,我试图在“可扩展列表视图”中为子项放置不同的布局,但我找不到完整的教程来执行此操作,因此,如果有可能,请提供以下链接的帮助这种可扩展列表视图的不错的教程或简单的代码源。 thanks 谢谢


Just don't extend ExpandableListActivity . 只是不要扩展ExpandableListActivity I also extends a Fragment and it works fine. 我还扩展了一个Fragment ,它工作正常。

Then use the correct method : 然后使用正确的方法:

((ExpandableListView) getView().findViewById( R.id.list).setAdapter( m_expandableListAdapter);

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