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[英]How to handle events clicks of different views within a row of a ExpandableListView child

I know how to handle the events by subscribing (setOnClickChildListener) of the ExpandableListView (or overriding the ExpandableListActivity callback method: onChildClick). 我知道如何通过订阅ExpandableListView(或覆盖ExpandableListActivity回调方法:onChildClick)订阅(setOnClickChildListener)来处理事件。 The two let me know the details groupPosition, childPosition and the view of the row layout (my custom layout for the childs). 这两个让我知道详细信息groupPosition,childPosition和行布局的视图(我的孩子的自定义布局)。 But I want to know what particular view has been clicked (for example which textview of my custom row). 但我想知道点击了哪个特定视图(例如我的自定义行的哪个textview)。

I tried it overriding the getView method of the mSimpleCursorTreeAdapter and subscribing my textviews to the onClick listener. 我尝试覆盖mSimpleCursorTreeAdapter的getView方法并将我的textviews订阅到onClick监听器。 But in this way I can't know the groupPosition and the childPosition of the child row clicked. 但是这样我就无法知道groupPosition和子行的childPosition被点击了。 If I handle the onClick of the views in this way, the event is consumed and OnClickChildListener and the callback method onChildClick never will be dispatched. 如果我以这种方式处理视图的onClick,则会消耗该事件,并且将永远不会调度OnClickChildListener和onChildClick的回调方法。

I guess I am saying something wrong. 我想我说错了。 I hope someone tells me a way to do. 我希望有人告诉我一个方法。

Thank you. 谢谢。

I've found a solution: 我找到了一个解决方案:

    public View getChildView(int groupPosition, int childPosition,
            boolean isLastChild, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
        View row = convertView;
        if (row == null) {
            LayoutInflater inflater = getLayoutInflater();
            row = inflater.inflate(R.layout.row_child,
                    parent, false);

        TextView textOne = (TextView) row
        TextView textTwo = (TextView) row

        HandleOnClick handleOnClick = new HandleOnClick (
                groupPosition, childPosition, getChildId(groupPosition,

        return super.getChildView(groupPosition, childPosition,
                isLastChild, row, parent);

    private class HandleOnClick implements OnClickListener {
        private int groupPosition;
        private int childPosition;
        private Long id;

        public HandleOnClick (int groupPostion, int childPosition,
                Long id) {
            this.groupPosition = groupPostion;
            this.childPosition = childPosition;
            this.id = id;

        public void onClick(View v) {

            idChild = id; 
            switch (v.getId()) {

            case R.id.text_row_child1:


            case R.id.text_row_child2:


Thanks 谢谢

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