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[英]What is the difference between super and this in terms of inheritence?

Here is my question, super keyword is used only in case of inheritence ? 这是我的问题,仅在继承的情况下使用super关键字吗? In terms of inheritence, what is the difference between this and super ? 在继承方面, thissuper什么区别?

  • this refers to the current object , ie it's a reference this是指当前对象 ,即它是一个引用
  • super refers to the super class , ie it's a scoping mechanism super是指超类 ,即它是一种作用域机制

The current object is the same object as the object of the superclass. 当前对象与超类的对象相同 If you have a Dog that extends Animal , and do new Dog() then you create 1 object, and this object is both the Animal instance and the Dog instance. 如果您有一个扩展AnimalDog并执行new Dog()那么您将创建1个对象,并且该对象既是Animal实例又是Dog实例。

Here's an example 这是一个例子

class Dog extends Animal {

    public void treatWell(DogSpa spa) {
        spa.takeCareOf(this);      // pass this object to the spa

    public void makeSound() {
        super.makeSound();         // call makeSound in Animal scope

this refers to current object, while super refers to current object's parent class. 这是指当前对象,而super是指当前对象的父类。

Consider this: 考虑一下:

class Parent {
    protected int value;
    public void test() {
         //print parent

class Child extends Parent {
    public void test() {
       //print child
    private void someMethod() {
        this.test();//will print child
        super.test();//will print parent


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