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将 Access 2007 / SQL Server 2008 R2 Express 迁移到 Office 365 / Azure

[英]Migrate Access 2007 / SQL Server 2008 R2 Express to Office 365 / Azure

We are looking to move from Access 2007 to Office 365 - with Access 2013. We want to have the latest software, both for our users and our server.我们希望通过 Access 2013 从 Access 2007 迁移到 Office 365。我们希望为我们的用户和我们的服务器提供最新的软件。 And it would be nice for our employees to be able to open Access and connect from outside the building.如果我们的员工能够从大楼外打开 Access 并进行连接,那就太好了。 Our backend is on SQL Express 2008 R2, on a Windows 2003 Server.我们的后端在 Windows 2003 Server 上的 SQL Express 2008 R2 上。

All the help I've seen so far is how to migrate a single Access database (holding the data and the forms and VBA, etc.) to Office 365. How do we really accomplish this?到目前为止,我所看到的所有帮助是如何将单个 Access 数据库(保存数据、表单和 VBA 等)迁移到 Office 365。我们如何真正做到这一点? I also need to retain the VBA code so my users can use it.我还需要保留 VBA 代码,以便我的用户可以使用它。

I am told Office 365 E3 for me (because of VBA code) and SQL Azure will work, is that the best way to go?有人告诉我 Office 365 E3(因为 VBA 代码)和 SQL Azure 可以工作,这是最好的方法吗?

ALso, when I measure the transactions / minute for my SQL Server 2008 R2 database under a moderate load, it returns back 7,200 transactions.此外,当我在中等负载下测量 SQL Server 2008 R2 数据库的事务/分钟时,它返回 7,200 个事务。 This is the sql script I ran below.这是我在下面运行的 sql 脚本。 I modified it so that it ran for 1 minute.我对其进行了修改,使其运行了 1 分钟。

enter code here DECLARE @cntr_value bigint enter code here DECLARE @cntr_value bigint

SELECT @cntr_value = cntr_value
    FROM sys.dm_os_performance_counters
    WHERE counter_name = 'transactions/sec'
        AND object_name = 'MSSQL$myDB:Databases'
        AND instance_name = 'myDB'

WAITFOR DELAY '00:01:00'

SELECT cntr_value - @cntr_value
    FROM sys.dm_os_performance_counters
    WHERE counter_name = 'transactions/sec'
        AND object_name = 'MSSQL$myDB:Databases'
        AND instance_name = 'myDB'

When I look at https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/dn741327.aspx , it says that the Azure S0 (which is the tier we are looking at) only has 521 transactions per minute.当我查看https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/dn741327.aspx 时,它说 Azure S0(我们正在查看的层)每分钟只有 521 个事务。

If you desire to migrate to an Access Web App (HTML front end and SQL Azure backend), this configuration does not support VBA.如果您希望迁移到 Access Web App(HTML 前端和 SQL Azure 后端),则此配置不支持 VBA。 If you need this functionality, then you need to stay with a traditional Access databases.如果您需要此功能,那么您需要使用传统的 Access 数据库。

For the second part of your question, the published tx number is not a limit but instead highly contextual as it is the result from our benchmark.对于您问题的第二部分,已发布的 tx 数量不是限制,而是高度相关的,因为它是我们基准测试的结果。 I highly suggest that you test on SQL Database to get the actual tx number for your workload.我强烈建议您在 SQL 数据库上进行测试以获取工作负载的实际 tx 编号。

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