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[英]Accidentally revoked an iOS certificate?

I just got an email from Apple that states that I revoked an certificate yesterday: 我刚收到苹果公司发来的电子邮件,说我昨天撤销了证书:

Certificate: XYZ Development 证书:XYZ开发

Any provisioning profiles that include this certificate are no longer valid and must be regenerated for future use. 包含此证书的所有配置文件都将不再有效,必须重新生成以供将来使用。

I didn't revoked it or at least I didn't do it on purpose. 我没有撤销它,或者至少我没有故意这样做。 However I worked with Xcode (never used it before) yesterday and I also created a new provision profile that contained the "XYZ Development" certificate. 但是,昨天我使用了Xcode(以前从未使用过),并且还创建了一个新的配置文件,其中包含“ XYZ开发”证书。

What mistake of mine could have lead to the revocation? 我的哪个错误可能导致吊销?

Its totally fine, did you do it in Xcode? 完全没问题,您在Xcode中做到了吗? Then it fixed itself: revoked the old ones and renewed them. 然后它修复了自己:撤消了旧旧的,并更新了旧旧的。 Don't need to worry about that. 不用担心。

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