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SharePoint PowerShell脚本以修剪新行

[英]SharePoint PowerShell script to trim new lines

I have a column in a SharePoint list with many newlines, including in the beginning of text. 我在SharePoint列表中有一列,其中包含许多换行符,包括文本开头。 I want to remove only first two newlines ie those in the beginning of the text as they are meaningless. 我只想删除前两个换行符,即文本开头的换行符,因为它们毫无意义。

Is there a way to do it with the trim function? 修剪功能有办法吗? I can't use replace as it will replace all the newlines. 我不能使用replace,因为它将替换所有换行符。 How do I do it? 我该怎么做?

String-objects have a TrimStart() -Method that you could use to remove whitespace and newlines. 字符串对象具有TrimStart()方法,可用于删除空格和换行符。

$s = @"


#Trim all whitespace and newlines before the text.

Output: 输出:


The solution above may remove too much. 上面的解决方案可能会去除太多。 To remove only two newlines (0-2 newlines), try the regex below. 要仅删除两个换行符(0-2个换行符),请尝试以下正则表达式。

$s = @"


$s -replace '^[\n\r]{0,4}'

Output: 输出:


I'm not sure how you're input will look line (multi-line string vs. string-array, newline and/or Carriage Return etc.) so the answer may need to be modified. 我不确定您输入的内容看起来如何(多行字符串与字符串数组,换行符和/或回车符等),因此答案可能需要修改。

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