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[英]Need to Trim a url in powershell script

I have a URL www.example.com:1234/ and I need to trim above in to 2 variables: 我有一个URL www.example.com:1234/ ,我需要修改上面的2个变量:

  1. example.com
  2. 00234
    • first digit of port will be replaced by 00 端口的第一个数字将被00替换

Can this be achieved in PowerShell? 这可以在PowerShell中实现吗?

[uri]$url = 'www.example.com:1234/'

$Value1 = ($url.Scheme).Replace('www.','')
$Value2 = "00" + ($url.AbsolutePath).Substring(1).TrimEnd('/')

here's one way to do it ... [ grin ] 这是一种方法... [ ]

# fake reading in a list of URLs
#    in real life, use Get-Content
$UrlList = @'
'@ -split [environment]::NewLine

$Regex = '^www.*?\.(?<Domain>.+):(?<Port>\d{1,}).*$'

$Results = foreach ($UL_Item in $UrlList)
    $Null = $UL_Item -match $Regex

        URL = $UL_Item
        Domain = $Matches.Domain
        OriginalPort = $Matches.Port
        Port = '00{0}' -f (-join $Matches.Port.ToString().SubString(1))


output ... 输出......

URL                        Domain           OriginalPort Port 
---                        ------           ------------ ---- 
www.example.com:1234/     example.com     1234         00234
www3.example.net:9876      example.net      9876         00876
www.other.example.org:5678/ other.example.org 5678         00678    

comment out or delete any unwanted properties. 注释掉或删除任何不需要的属性。 [ grin ] [ ]

per request, a simplified version ... [ grin ] 根据要求,简化版...... [ ]

$UserInput = 'www.example.com:1234/'

$Regex = '^www.*?\.(?<Domain>.+):(?<Port>\d{1,}).*$'

$Null = $UserInput -match $Regex

$Domain = $Matches.Domain
$Port = '00{0}' -f (-join $Matches.Port.SubString(1))


output ... 输出......


hope that helps, 希望有所帮助,
lee 背风处

To offer an improvement to James C.'s answer : James C.的回答提供改进:

# Input URL string
$urlText = 'www.example.com:1234/'

# Prepend 'http://' and cast to [uri] (System.Uri), which
# parses the URL string into its constituent components.
$urlObj = [uri] "http://$urlText"

# Extract the information of interest
$domain = $urlObj.Host -replace '^www\.' # -> 'example.com'
$modifiedPort = '00' + $urlObj.Port.ToString().Substring(1) # -> '00234'

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