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[英]Prolog Lists, Add 1 to tail of the list

I'm trying to add either 1 or 2 to numbers in a list in SWI-Prolog. 我正在尝试在SWI-Prolog中的列表中的数字上添加1或2。

I've managed to add 1 or 2 to the head of the list however I'm having difficulties adding onto each element on the tail of the list. 我设法在列表的开头添加了1或2,但是在添加到列表末尾的每个元素时遇到了困难。 I don't want to add 1 or 2 to EVERY element at the same time just at separate times. 我不想在单独的时间同时向每个元素添加1或2。 Ie If my input is add([2,3,4], X). 即如果我的输入是add([2,3,4],X)。

I would like the possibilities of X to be the following: X = [3,3,4] X = [4,3,4] X = [2,4,4] X = [2,5,4] X = [2,3,5] X = [2,3,6] 我希望X的可能性如下: X = [3,3,4] X = [4,3,4] X = [2,4,4] X = [2,5,4] X = [2,3,5] X = [2,3,6]

My code at present is: 我目前的代码是:

add([H1|T1],[H2|T2]) :-
                    is(H2,+(H1,1)), T1=T2;
                    is(H2,+(H1,2)), T1=T2.

Obviously this only adds 1 or 2 onto the head of the list and not the tail. 显然,这只会在列表的开头加上1或2,而不是结尾。 Therefore does anyone know how I may go about adding 1 or 2 onto the elements in the tail of my list? 因此,有人知道我如何将1或2添加到列表尾部的元素上吗?

First define a predicate addX/3 that will add X to one of the members of the first list: 首先定义一个谓词addX/3 ,它将X加到第一个列表的成员中:

addX([], [],_).     % base case
addX([H|T], [H1 | T], X) :- H1 is H + X.   % add to first element
addX([H|T], [H | T1], X) :- addX(T, T1, X). % or retain the first element and add to some element in the tail

Than using it define your add predicate as addX with X=1 or X=2 : 与使用它相比,将您的add谓词定义为X=1X=2 addX

add(L, R) :- addX(L, R, 1).
add(L, R) :- addX(L, R, 2).

Testing: 测试:

?- add([2,3,4], X).
X = [3, 3, 4] ;
X = [2, 4, 4] ;
X = [2, 3, 5] ;
X = [2, 3, 4] ;
X = [4, 3, 4] ;
X = [2, 5, 4] ;
X = [2, 3, 6] ;
X = [2, 3, 4].

sometime more verbose can be clearer: 有时更详细可以更清楚:

add([H1|T],[H2|T]) :-
 H2 is H1+1.
add([H1|T],[H2|T]) :-
 H2 is H1+2.
add([H|T1],[H|T2]) :-

now alternatives are listed out, the last one just handles - recursively - the remaining elements 现在列出了替代方案,最后一个只是递归地处理其余元素

Anyway, your code is just missing a line: 无论如何,您的代码只是缺少一行:

add([H1|T1],[H2|T2]) :-
 is(H2,+(H1,1)), T1=T2;
 is(H2,+(H1,2)), T1=T2;
 H1=H2, add(T1,T2).

After comment, here is how to subtract and keep only positive values: 评论后,以下是仅减去和保留正值的方法:

add([H1|T1],[H2|T2]) :-
 H2 is H1-1, H2 > 0, T1=T2;

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