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在 Lua 中,如何将 nil 参数正确设置为某个默认值?

[英]In Lua, how to set a nil parameter to some default value correctly?

For Lua code below:对于下面的 Lua 代码:

local function foo(x, y, z)
    local x = x or true
    local y = y or 1234
    z = z or "default"

I always thought the meaning of these three lines inside the function is:一直以为函数里面这三行的意思是:

If x/y/z is nil, x/y/z is set to true/1234/"default".如果 x/y/z 为零,则 x/y/z 设置为 true/1234/“默认”。 Otherwise, it remains whatever it is.否则,它保持原样。 Therefore, I have such a line in many places to set a parameter to some default value in case it might be passed into a function as nil.因此,我在很多地方都有这样的一行来将参数设置为某个默认值,以防它可能作为 nil 传递到函数中。

However, it seems not totally correct in my experiments.但是,在我的实验中似乎并不完全正确。 I am not sure where I learnt this Lua coding concept.我不确定我从哪里学到了这个 Lua 编码概念。 How to do it correctly?如何正确地做到这一点?

The method will work as long as your boolean(?) variable x was not initialised as false .只要您的 boolean(?) 变量x未初始化为false该方法就会起作用。 If you only want to use defaults against nil values, the a or b method is correct.如果您只想对nil值使用默认值,则a or b方法是正确的。

If your variable can be false , you'd have to use a strict if-then block:如果您的变量可以为false ,则必须使用严格的 if-then 块:

if x == nil then x = true end

You can see a few more methods/examples about ternary operators on lua wiki .您可以在lua wiki上看到更多关于三元运算符的方法/示例。

There exists one more strict method if you want to be able pass nil as argument(eg you want distinguish foo(1,2,nil) and foo(1,2) )如果您希望能够将nil作为参数传递,则存在一种更严格的方法(例如,您想区分foo(1,2,nil)foo(1,2)

function foo(...)
  local n,x,y,z = select('#', ...), ...
  if n < 3 then z = default end
  if n < 2 then y = default end
  if n < 1 then x = default end
  -- here x,y or z  can be nil

But you have to be shure you know what you doing because it may be not expected behavior for users of your function.但是您必须确保您知道自己在做什么,因为对于您的函数的用户来说,这可能不是预期的行为。

This should work as expected:这应该按预期工作:

function foo(x, y, z)
    x = (x == nil) or x
    y = (y == nil and 1234) or y
    z = (z == nil and "default") or z
    print(x, y, z)

> foo()
true    1234    default
> foo(false, false, "me")
false   false   me
> foo(nil, 50, "me")
true    50  me

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