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[英]How to get JavaScript to match a regex containing variables and spanning multiple lines?

How to get JavaScript to match a regex containing variables and spanning multiple lines? 如何获取JavaScript以匹配包含变量并跨越多行的正则表达式?

I am trying to extract string data from a body of text by matching patterns where I know the strings being searched for start and end with certain strings which I pass to the routine. 我正在尝试通过匹配模式从文本主体中提取字符串数据,在这些模式中,我知道要搜索的字符串以传递给例程的某些字符串开头和结尾。 The following line is the heart of the routine: 以下是例程的核心:

var aHits = strIn.match(new RegExp(preStr + "(.+?)" + postStr, ignoreCase + "g"));
// ignoreCase equals "i" or "", preStr is leading string, postStr is trailing

This works well until the would-be match contains a line break. 在可能的比赛包含换行符之前,此方法效果很好。 Then strIn.match() fails. 然后strIn.match()失败。

I've tried using "(.+?)" , "([\\\\\\s\\\\\\S])" and "((.|\\\\\\n|\\\\\\r)+?)" and several other grouping strategies. 我试过使用"(.+?)""([\\\\\\s\\\\\\S])""((.|\\\\\\n|\\\\\\r)+?)"等分组策略。

I've seen some literal regexes that end with "s" for doing something like this. 我已经看到一些以“ s”结尾的字面正则表达式,用于执行此类操作。 Can the variables be added to a literal regex? 变量可以添加到文字正则表达式中吗? Which pattern is the best, or at least works? 哪种模式是最好的,或者至少有效? Or is it the match method itself that refuses to process a string with newlines? 还是match方法本身拒绝使用换行符处理字符串? I can't seem to find that stated anywhere. 我似乎在任何地方都找不到。

The newline is contained in the (.+?) portion of the matched string, but would it matter anyway? 换行符包含在匹配字符串的(.+?)部分中,但是这有关系吗?

You were almost there...the dot metacharacter doesn't match newlines, but you were on the right track with [\\\\\\s\\\\\\S] ...you just escaped one too many times. 您快到了……点元字符与换行符不匹配,但是使用[\\\\\\s\\\\\\S]在正确的轨道上……您逃脱了太多次。 Try this: 尝试这个:

var aHits = strIn.match(
    new RegExp(preStr + "([\\s\\S]+?)" + postStr, ignoreCase + "g"));

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