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[英]PHP oldest path based on a dir name

I have on my linux machine such folder tree structure: 我的Linux机器上有这样的文件夹树结构:

eg: 例如:

I'd like to get in php what path is the oldest, like this: 我想在php中找到最旧的路径,如下所示:
The oldest path is: 2014-03-01 08 最旧的路径是: 2014-03-01 08
The newest path is: 2015-01-01 14 最新路径是: 2015-01-01 14

How it can be done? 怎么做?

It could be written better but it works 它可以写得更好,但是行得通

 $paths = array(

 $dates = array();

 foreach($paths as $path)
     $matches = array();
     preg_match('#([^\/]+?)\/([^\/]+?)\/([^\/]+?)\/([^\/]+?)\/([^\/]+)#', $path, $matches);
     $dates[$path] = strtotime(sprintf("%s-%s-%s %s:00:00", $matches[2],      $matches[3], $matches[4], $matches[5]));


 $dates = array_keys($dates);
 $oldest = array_shift($dates);
 $newest = array_pop($dates);

It changes date find by regex to unixtimestamp then sorts it and returns top and bottom value of sorted array. 它将通过正则表达式查找的日期更改为unixtimestamp,然后对其进行排序,并返回已排序数组的最高和最低值。

Little bit like Pascal style) 有点像Pascal风格)


$oldest = '';
$newest = '';
$iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator('./dir/'));
foreach ($iterator as $file => $object) {
    if ($iterator->getDepth() === 4) {
        $name = $object->getPath();
        if ($name > $newest) {
            $newest = $name;
        if (empty($oldest) or $name < $oldest) {
            $oldest = $name;
var_export([$oldest, $newest]);

Result: 结果:

array (
    0 => './dir/2014/03/01/08',
    1 => './dir/2015/01/01/14',

All you have to do is loop through each folder and find the directory that has the lowest number. 您要做的就是遍历每个文件夹并找到编号最小的目录。 If you have the file paths stored in a database, it can be easier, but from your question it seems like you want to search the folders. 如果您将文件路径存储在数据库中,则可能会更容易,但是从您的问题看来,您似乎想搜索文件夹。


    $base = 'dir';
    $yearLowest = lowestDir($base);
    $monthLowest = lowestDir($yearLowest);
    $dayLowest = lowestDir($monthLowest);

    echo $dayLowest;

    function lowestDir($dir) {
        $lowest = null;
        $handle = opendir($dir);

        while(($name = readdir($handle))) {
            if($name == '.' || $name == '..') {

            if(is_dir($dir.'/'.$name) && ($lowest == null || $name < $lowest)) {
                $lowest = $name;

        return $dir.'/'.$lowest;


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