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[英]Editing URL's on Drupal for a VIEW

I want edit path alias for a view, I know how to edit regular content pages 我想为视图编辑路径别名,我知道如何编辑常规内容页面

admin>config>URL aliases>add aliases admin> config> URL别名>添加别名

However for a view that's pulling in products for example is there a different approach here? 但是,例如对于引入产品的观点 ,这里是否有其他方法? I've tried adding the exact path which has %% in it and changed it to a URL with hyphens, however that doesn't seem to resolve the issue. 我尝试添加其中包含%%的确切路径,并将其更改为带有连字符的URL,但是这似乎无法解决问题。


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