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[英]Update a record in a table in rails

I have a table A(:name, :flag) and want to update the flag column of a record in the table if a certain condition evaluates to true. 我有一个表A(:name,:flag),如果某个条件求值为true,则想更新表中记录的标志列。

if A.find(300).flag == false
 //Will this work -> A.find(300).flag = true

What should I write in that line? 我应该在那一行写什么?

if A.find(300).flag == false
 //Will this work -> A.find(300).flag = true

change to 改成

A.find(300).update(flag: true) if A.find(300).flag == false

You can add method to a.rb 您可以将方法添加到a.rb

def self.update_if_false id
  find(id).update(flasg: true) if A.find(id).flag == false

Then you can use it as A.update_if_false(300) 然后您可以将其用作A.update_if_false(300)

This will decrease database call if flag is true: 如果flag为true,这将减少数据库调用:

Rails 4: Rails 4:

obj = A.find(300)
obj.update(flag: true) unless obj.flag

Rails 3.2: Rails 3.2:

obj = A.find(300)
obj.update_attributes(flag: true) unless obj.flag

Note: update method made public and aliased with update_attributes in active record 4. 注意:将update方法公开,并在活动记录4中使用update_attributes作为别名。

yes..it will work...i tried in ruby2.0 console.. Assuming you have all the attributes present.... 是的..它将起作用...我在ruby2.0控制台中尝试过.. 假设您具有所有存在的属性....

2.0.0-p481 :026 >  Image.find(30).title = true
Image Load (7.8ms)  SELECT "images".* FROM "images" WHERE "images"."id" = $1 LIMIT 1  [["id", 30]]
 => true 

you can go ahead and add your update statement ..if true else false. 您可以继续添加更新语句..如果为true,否则为false。

if A.find(300).flag == false
  ##do something
  ##do other thing

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