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Rails 多记录更新

[英]Rails multiple record update

The following array of boolean attributes for multiple records以下多条记录的布尔属性数组

{"utf8"=>"✓","_method"=>"patch", "authenticity_token"=>"...",
  {"1"=>{"go"=>"0", "pickup"=>"0", "delivery"=>"1"},
   "2"=>{"go"=>"0", "pickup"=>"0", "delivery"=>"1"},
   "3"=>{"go"=>"0", "pickup"=>"0", "delivery"=>"1"},
 "commit"=>"Save changes"}

is being posted from one controller to a child controller with the following action that has un-conventional naming for the parameters.正在通过以下操作从一个控制器发布到子控制器,该操作具有非常规的参数命名。

   def update_all
      params[:ts].keys.each do |id|
        @daystruttimeslot = Daystruttimeslot.find(id.to_i)

is hitting the error undefined local variable or method 'ts_params' for #<DaystruttimeslotsController:0x00007fa118f262f8> Did you mean? to_param params @_params正在undefined local variable or method 'ts_params' for #<DaystruttimeslotsController:0x00007fa118f262f8> Did you mean? to_param params @_params遇到错误undefined local variable or method 'ts_params' for #<DaystruttimeslotsController:0x00007fa118f262f8> Did you mean? to_param params @_params undefined local variable or method 'ts_params' for #<DaystruttimeslotsController:0x00007fa118f262f8> Did you mean? to_param params @_params

How can these parameters be properly processed by this action?这个动作如何正确处理这些参数?

def update_all
  ts = params.require(:ts)
  @daystruttimeslots = Daystruttimeslot.where(id: ts.keys)
  @daystruttimeslots.each do |d|
    d.update(ts.fetch(d.id.to_s).permit(:go, :pickup, :delivery))

This does a single read operation instead of fetching each record separately and also provides a ivar that actually makes sense instead of whatever is at the end of the loop.这会执行单个读取操作,而不是分别获取每条记录,并且还提供了一个实际有意义的 ivar,而不是循环末尾的任何内容。

If you need to validate that all the ids are correct compare ts.keys.length to @daystruttimeslots.size .如果您需要验证所有 id 是否正确, ts.keys.length@daystruttimeslots.size进行比较。 You also might want to consider wrapping this in a transaction so that the changes are rolled back if any of the updates fail instead of just leaving the job half done.您可能还想考虑将其包装在一个事务中,以便在任何更新失败时回滚更改,而不是让工作完成一半。

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