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[英]Unable to access AngularJS attribute in directive

I'm currently trying to implement a very simple directive in AngularJS. 我目前正在尝试在AngularJS中实现一个非常简单的指令。 In the end, I want to be able to use the directive like this: 最后,我希望能够使用如下指令:

<share-buttons url="google.com"></share-buttons>

My directive looks like this (coffee script): 我的指令如下所示(咖啡脚本):

module.directive 'shareButtons', () ->

    controller = ['$scope', ($scope) ->

        $scope.share = () ->
            console.log $scope.url


    return {
        restrict: 'EA'
        scope: {
            url: '=url'
        templateUrl: viewpath_common('/directives/share-buttons')
        controller: controller

And here's my template (Jade): 这是我的模板(Jade):


When I click the button, the correct function is called ($scope.share), but the only thing logged is undefined . 当我单击按钮时,正确的函数称为($ scope.share),但记录的唯一内容是undefined

Can you help me? 你能帮助我吗?

its because your url attribute is two way data bound with "=" 这是因为您的url属性是绑定有“ =”的双向数据

so it's looking for a scope variable like this: 所以它正在寻找这样的范围变量:

$scope.google.com =  // should be some value.

to be passed from the controller to the directive. 从控制器传递到指令。

If you want a string to be passed, use "@" for one way binding 如果要传递字符串,请使用“ @”进行单向绑定

scope: {
        url: '@'

Note: you can also access it via attributes in the link function of the directive (which you don't have above) 注意:您也可以通过指令的链接功能中的属性来访问它(上面没有)

// like so
restrict: 'EA'
scope: {
    url: '@'
templateUrl: "someURL",
link: function(scope, elem, attrs) {

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