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[英]Java: Font does not load (from external file)

In a folder called data , I have a font file called font.ttf . 在名为data的文件夹中,我有一个名为font.ttf的字体文件。

I want to read it in, like this: 我想像这样阅读:

try {
   Font f = Font.createFont(Font.TRUETYPE_FONT, 
      new File("data/font.ttf")).deriveFont(12.0);
} catch (IOException | FontFormatException e) {}

That worked fine up until I removed the same font from the system (it's still in the data folder!). 直到我从系统中删除了相同的字体(它仍然在数据文件夹中!)之前,这种方法都可以正常工作。 Now, it's just showing Java's generic font. 现在,它只是显示Java的通用字体。

Is it even possible to read in a font from a file which is not in the System Fonts folder? 是否甚至可以从“系统字体”文件夹中的文件中读取字体?

You don't seem to be doing anything with that Font f once you've loaded it in, so you might simply be losing it due to block scoping. 加载后,您似乎并没有对该Font f做任何事情,因此由于块作用域,您可能只是在丢失它。

Font fallback = load some system default;
Font myfont = null;


try {
  File ffile = new File("data/font.ttf");
  myfont = Font.createFont(Font.TRUETYPE_FONT, ffile).deriveFont(12);
} catch (FontFormatException ffe) {
  System.out.println("Tried to load a bad font...");
} catch (IOException ioe) {
  System.out.println("I have no idea what went wrong");
} finally {
  loadMyApplication(myfont == null ? fallback : myfont);

Or if you absolutely need that font for correct UI building or content rendering, call loadMyApplication in the try block, so that any catches prevent your application from loading. 或者,如果您绝对需要该字体来进行正确的UI构建或内容呈现,请在try块中调用loadMyApplication ,以便所有捕获都阻止您的应用程序加载。

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