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Go - 如何检查类型是否相等?

[英]Go - How can I check for type equality?

Say I have the following code: 说我有以下代码:

var x interface{}
y := 4
x = y

This will print int as the type. 这将打印int作为类型。 My question is how can I test for the type? 我的问题是如何测试类型? I know there is the type switch which does this, so I could do: 我知道有这样的类型开关,所以我可以这样做:

switch x.(type) {
case int:
    fmt.Println("This is an int")

But if I only want to check for just one specific type the switch seems like the wrong tool. 但如果我只想检查一个特定的类型,那么交换机似乎是错误的工具。 Is there a more direct method of doing this like 是否有更直接的方法来做到这一点

reflect.TypeOf(x) == int

or is the type switch the way to go? 或类型开关的方式去?

Type assertions return two values .. the first is the converted value, the second is a bool indicating if the type assertion worked properly. 类型断言返回两个值..第一个是转换后的值,第二个是bool,指示类型断言是否正常工作。

So you could do this: 所以你可以这样做:

_, ok := x.(int)

if ok {
    fmt.Println("Its an int")
} else {
    fmt.Println("Its NOT an int")

..or, shorthand: ..或者,速记:

if _, ok := x.(int); ok {
    fmt.Println("Its an int")

See it in the playground 在操场上看到它

I just figured out another way of doing this based on this : 我刚刚想出了基于此的另一种方法:

if _, ok := x.(int); ok {
    fmt.Println("This is an int")

In Effective Go you can find a really simple example of what you're trying to achieve. Effective Go中,您可以找到一个非常简单的示例,说明您要实现的目标。

var t interface{}
t = functionOfSomeType()

switch t := t.(type) {
    fmt.Printf("unexpected type %T", t)       // %T prints whatever type t has
case bool:
    fmt.Printf("boolean %t\n", t)             // t has type bool
case int:
    fmt.Printf("integer %d\n", t)             // t has type int
case *bool:
    fmt.Printf("pointer to boolean %t\n", *t) // t has type *bool
case *int:
    fmt.Printf("pointer to integer %d\n", *t) // t has type *int

If you have a single type that you have to check, use a simple if , otherwise use a switch for better readability. 如果您需要检查一种类型,请使用简单的if ,否则请使用开关以提高可读性。

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